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Escola Pia de Moià

Escola Pia de Moià is a Primary School that has a conversation assistant for the first time. They sure know how to make the most of this experience, and so does Rob, their CA. Thank you for writing to us and sending so many photos!


Hi, I´m Rob and I´m working as a language assistant in Moia. I´m going to start with Moia.  The town is fantastic with exceptionally friendly people, narrow, winding streets, brilliant views, it´s own prehistoric cave system and, best of all, Escola Pia Moia, where I work!

Escola Pia Moia caters for pre primary and primary students. I work with the 3
year olds through to the 12 year olds which makes for a very varied experience. I love the school; the children are very friendly and treat me a bit like a minor celebrity, which is definitely going to my head. The teachers are welcoming and make the effort to talk to me in English, especially in front of the kids when I can´t use my atrocious Catalan. The building itself is fantastic too, full of mysterious doors that contain a whole new rooms I didn´t know about. I only found out the school had a church after I´d been there for two months!

I take the kids for speaking groups and in the pre primary years help the English teacher – Isabel, in class. By the end of the nine months I hope that all of the kids will be comfortable talking to a native English speaker. Quite often the tapes don´t sound like the real thing.

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