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Sagrada Família Lleida: Andy

Andy is a Conversation Assistant in Escola Sagrada Família, in Lleida. He arrived in December and has since been enjoying his time here. So have the students and teachers at the school, and his two host families. Everyone’s English has improved!


Hello my name is Andy. I am a conversation assistant in Sagrada Familia School, Lleida. I studied Philosophy at university, and after decided that I wanted to travel to another country to work. Through this I began a TEFL course, and at the beginning of November I applied to be a conversation assistant with CAPS and Home to Home. Three weeks later I was flying out to Spain.

I teach in classes from first of primary to second BATX, so I am getting the most out of my experience. My first week was spent observing classes, and after that I began to get more responsibility in them. Both of my tutors for primary and secondary are so helpful when it comes to lessons, and they made me feel very comfortable in the classroom environment.

With the younger primary classes, I play games to help improve their vocabulary, and practice speaking with them. They are always very keen to ask me lots of questions, which can only be a good thing, as they are encouraged to speak English. With the older primary classes, we divide the class into two groups, and I take one half to do an activity and the next week we switch the groups around.

In ESO classes and BATX things are very different, but I enjoy it all the same. My tutor Ana gives me many opportunities to not only help the students practice speaking, but also take control of classes on a weekly basis, where I take the class through different activities and work with them like their own teacher. I also get the opportunity to try out ideas for lessons with Ana in the class which I really enjoy, especially when I know that the students enjoy it.

In my time here in Lleida I am living with two families. The first family I was living with until the end of March. They are some of the nicest people I have ever met, and were so welcoming to me when I first arrived. The parents didn´t speak English but there was no awkwardness between us at all. They are all so nice. In the family there is a son who is roughly the same age as me which was good, as we have similar interests. The two daughters have an excellent level of English, and we were always laughing and joking every day. I felt like part of the family, even with the Gran who also lived in the house. It has been an incredible experience living with them and I was sad to leave. The new family I’m living with has given me a different but equally incredible experience. Rather than living in the city I’m staying in a village 5 minutes from the city. I’m enjoying having a different life.

So far my experience here has been incredible and literally don’t have a bad word to say about it. Some weeks ago, I was visited by Raquel, one of the girls from Home to Home, and Júlia from FECC to see how I was getting on. I thought was a good thing, as it shows both of them are doing their jobs correctly. I am having an amazing time here in Spain and don’t plan on leaving the country.

Sessions informatives: Ser família acollidora d’Auxiliar de Conversa

Estem preparant l’arribada de la quarta promoció d’auxiliars de conversa a les escoles que participen al Programa Auxiliars de Conversa (PAC) i a les cases de les famílies que, generosament, s’han ofert a acollir-los.


 Des de l’organtizació del PAC hem convocat tres sessions informatives obertes a tothom: famílies acollidores, famílies interessades, direccions i mestres d’escola, etc. En aquestes reunions parlarem de què suposa acollir un auxiliar de conversa a casa, com podem facilitar la seva integració a la família i al nostre país i, és clar, donarem resposta a totes les preguntes que pugueu plantejar-nos.

Demarcació de Lleida – Dimarts, 8 de maig, 18:00h
Lloc: Escola Lestonnac L’Ensenyança. Av. Prat de la Riba, 38. Lleida

Demarcació de Girona – Dimecres, 9 de maig, 18:00h
Lloc: Escola Maristes Girona. Av Josep Tarradellas, 5-7. Girona

Demarcació de Barcelona – Dijous, 10 de maig, 18:00h
Lloc: Escola Pia Balmes. Carrer Balmes, 208. Barcelona

Podeu descarregar-vos un model de circular i un cartell per a promocionar les sessions en els següents enllaços:

Model circular PDF
Model circular word
Cartell PDF
Cartell word

Si us plau, en cas que vingueu a alguna de les sessions, confirmeu la vostra assistència al correu, indicant a quina de les tres sessions assistireu, i quantes persones vindreu.

Board game from Wendy (Col·legi Claver, Lleida)

Happy Easter holidays, everyone!

We leave you with a great idea for a board game that Wendy, Conversation Assistant at Col·legi Claver, has sent us. It’s a great way to get students speaking and it is adaptable to all schools.

Thanks a lot, Wendy!


I have to prepare many different activities for the children of Claver, including songs, games and quizzes, to rouse their interest in the English language and get them to practice their pronunciation (which is the main reason they learn with me!)

Recently, with sixth year, the students have been playing a board game, called

‘A Day at School’, which I adapted from a website, specifically made for learners of English as a foreign language.  The game includes a board which features pictures of different areas of a school, including classrooms, playground, swimming pool and cafeteria and before starting the game I test the students understanding of each area.

Students roll the dice and move their counters around the board.  If they land on a red spot, they have to take an action card and read it aloud to the other players.  The action card tells them that a specific teacher has asked them to go to a specific area of the school so they must move their counter to the corresponding picture.  I adapted the game so that the action cards feature actual teachers of Claver, making the game more personal to the students and when the first student reads an action card aloud, it usually produces a laugh and encourages them to speak further about the instruction.

If a student lands on an area of the school without being asked to go there by a teacher, the student to the right of the current player must ask them why they are in that area, for example, if a student lands on the library, the player to their right would ask, “Why are you in the library?” and the student whose counter is in the library has to reply.  There are no rules as to what the student can, or cannot say, as long as they speak English and their answer makes sense, so they could say, “I am in the library because I want to read a book”, for example.

To win the game, players must have at least three action cards before making their way to ‘Goal’ on the board.