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Col·legi Escorial – Vic

Siobhan comes from Ireland and she has been a Conversation Assistant in Col·legi Escorial (Vic) for 9 months and has had a great experience. Thanks for e-mailing us!


Hello! My name is Siobhan Walsh and I am the conversational assistant at Escorial Vic. I arrived in Catalonia at the beginning of October last year. Ever since then I have been able to experience new things, meet new people and gain a lot of experience.

When I first arrived here I was welcomed into the home of a very special family. I immediately felt at home here and they made the transition from living in Ireland to living here so much easier for me. My second family were exactly the same and luckily for me, so are the third family! I have been extremely lucky!

The school has been no different! All the teachers have been so welcoming and friendly. Even the teachers who have very little English are so nice and always speak with me in Spanish. My two tutors, Gemma and Marta, have been fantastic. They are always there if I have a question or need some help.

The students here are great! My job is to encourage them to speak English through activities and games. I work with students from 3rd class in primary to 4th of ESO. With the 3rd and 4th of primary I assist the teacher in the classroom. We play games and do role plays. With 5th and 6th of primary I do CLIL. I think this is a great idea for the students to learn other subjects in English. We have done topics such as Biology and Geography. In ESO, the larger classes are divided into groups and 6-8 students will come with me to do speaking activities. I have really enjoyed my classes with all of these students. They have been very enthusiastic and we have had a lot of funny moments.

This program is a great experience for people who want to try something new. I have met some great people both through the school and through the program who I know I will remain friends with. I would definitely recommend this experience to other people.

FEDAC Manresa – Santa Rosa de Lima

The school year is coming to an end and in a few days most of the Conversation Assistants will be flying back to their countries. For the most of them it has been a great year. Like for Leigh, who has been staying in FEDAC Manresa – Santa Rosa de Lima.

We thank him and his tutor, Alba, for writing to us and sending pictures!


It was purely by luck that I found this placement, and it’s been one of the best bits of luck in my life!! I was browsing the internet and saw an advert and thought I would reply.

I have been travelling all of my life and saw the opportunity to live and work in a different country and jumped at the chance. The days before my departure were very nervous because I didnt know what to expect, but from the second I arrived I felt very comfortable.

My time at Dominiques has been a fantastic experience. A school with fantastic students and very friendly, helpful and supportive teachers, all of which I will remember for the rest of my life.

It’s been amazing to see the progression of the students over the last nine months and it makes me extremely proud to see the improvement of the students in English, and I think it has been very benficial to the school to have me over the school year. I have gained valuable teaching experience within the school and it has opened up lots of opportunities for me wihin the city. It has been so much of an amazing experience that I now plan to live here in Catalunya!! The people I have met and the experiences I have had will have a place in my heart forever.

Gràcies per tot Dominiques i gràcies per tot Manresa!