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Sagrada Família – Lleida

We have received a new submission from Adam, the conversation assistant at Sagrada Família school in Lleida, and his tutor Ana. Thank you guys!

Ana has also created a booklet with 25 activities that they do with the help of the Conversation Assistant in the ESO and Batxillerat classes, which will be avaliable here very soon!


After finishing University I decided that I wanted to travel and teach English; participating in CAPS has given me the opportunity to do both whilst obtaining some essential skills for the future. Not only has CAPs provided me with the first step towards achieving my career goals but it has also really helped me grow as an individual. Each day presents you with a new and interesting challenge; making the whole experience such a stimulating and rewarding process.

Adam and some of his ESO students

I came to Catalonia without any knowledge of the culture, lifestyle or the language! But with an open-mind, a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, I adapted to life here very quickly. I also have to thank the Catalan family that I have been living with for that as they could not have made me feel more at home here. This is a truly unforgettable experience with memories that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

Adam McDanielson

Col·legi Dr. Masmitjà – Girona

Maria comes from the United States and is a Conversation Assistant in Col·legi Dr. Masmitjà, a primary school in Girona. Col·legi Dr. Masmitjà was one of the first schools to join the program, 4 years ago! Their conversation assistants have always enjoyed their time there, and so is Maria.



I’m Maria, and I´m the conversation assistant at Col.legi Dr Masmitja, which is a primary school in Girona. I have been here since the end of September, and will stay with the school until June 2013. I work at the school 5 days a week, Monday through Friday. My schedule changes from day to day, but I come in most days at 9 in the morning, when classes start, and work until 4 or 5 in the afternoon, depending on the day. I teach each section in the school, including P3, P4 and P5, once a week (meaning I have 1A once a week, 1B once a week, etc). My current goal is to learn the names of all of my students! So far, I have learned quite a few names, and I try to practice them by using the student’s name whenever I ask them to participate, and listen whenever the teacher uses their name. In most of my classes, I work hand in hand with the English teacher for that class to complete the activities from the English book, explaining the grammar and introducing new vocabulary. I also  try to put together a fun and interactive activity for all of the classes at least once every 2 weeks. With the younger children, we play many English games and sing many songs to help the children with improving their pronunciation.

Maria explaining Halloween to her students

Before I arrived in Catalunya, the school set me up with two host families for the school year. I am currently still living with my first family, which consists of a mom and her three children; Maria and Lluc, who are 11 year twins, and Ariadna, who is 16. I teach the two younger children once a week at the school, but the older girl is already in high school. The family has been very welcoming, and includes me on all of the family activities. My weekends are usually filled with soccer games, basketball games, track meets, and, my favorite, trips to the family farm in Olot! There, the extended family has many horses, cows, dogs and cats, and I spent hours with the girls visiting all of the animals. All of the activities that we do together allows the family to practice their English and improve their vocabulary. Outside of these casual English practices, I assist all of the children with their homework when they have questions, and help them study for any exams. I also hold study sessions with all of them individually to review topics that they learned in school, and to give them extra exercises. I will be moving to my second family in January, and am very excited to see the culture from a different aspect!

Outside of the classes I give in school, I hold private conversation classes with the children of some of my coworkers, as well as two private grammar intensive classes. Since Girona does not attract as many native speakers as a city as big as Barcelona would, people here are always like to take advantage of having a native speaker in the area, and always look forward to the new CAPS showing up.

In my free time, I like to meet up with the other CAPS in the area, either for a meal or for some walking around the city. I like to take advantage of any extended weekends to see more of the country, as well as other parts of Catalunya and other European countries.

Everyone that I have met during my time here so far, especially the staff at the school and my host family, have made me feel like I belong, and have done everything to help me adapt to the new culture/job. Being thrown into a new culture has definitely been worth it, and I can’t see myself wanting to leave any time soon.

Escola Pia Moià

We hope you have had a merry Christmas and a good start of 2013!

The first submission after the holidays has arrived, and it comes from Escola Pia in Moià. It’s their second year in the Conversation Assistants Program, and this year they are hosting Hannah, from the UK.

Thanks for writing and sending so many photos!


My name is Hannah and I have been working in Escola Pia Moià for the last three months. At the school I work with children between the ages of 2 and 11. With the youngest children I assist Isabel with the lessons and read stories.

In the primary school I also help with the lessons and then take out small groups of children for speaking activities.

Overall I love the school and feel honoured to work here as should anyone else in my postition