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La Salle Sant Celoni

Dominique is a Conversation Assistant in La Salle Sant Celoni. It is the school’s second year in the program and everyone seems to be enjoying the experience. Teachers and students are happy to be able to share lessons with Dominique, said her tutor Sandra. Thank you for writing 🙂


My experience so far

My name is Dominique I am twenty-three years old and from a town called Bournemouth, Dorset in the south of England.  I am currently working as a conversation assistant at La Salle in Sant Celoni, Barcelona.  This is a lovely little town about 1 hour outside of Barcelona.   My experience so far has been a positive one; the teachers at the school have been very welcoming and helpful and I have had a great opportunity already to improve my experience working with children and helping to teach English.  I work directly with seven of the teachers assisting them with the lessons and teaching children of a variety of ages from 1st of Primary (6 years old) until 4th of Secondary (16 year olds).  Working with such a wide variety of ages and abilities is a challenge but a great experience for me.  Each term I am staying with a different teacher from the school and their families.  Which has giving me the chance to practice speaking Spanish outside of the school and meet new people so I am slowly improving my Spanish which is fantastic.

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