As the schoolyear is coming to an end, Maristes Igualada want to share the thoughts of one of their conversation assistants, Camila. Thanks!
My name is Camila Pulido and I have been working in Maristes Igualada since October 2012. From the start I felt very welcome by the friendly staff members and my tutor has been there for me from the start. I couldn´t have asked for a better school or tutor. I have also been able to work with all age groups in the school (ages 2-15). With the younger students I just assist the teacher in the classroom and read the children stories, play games and work on English activities with them.
With the older students I take 4-6 students at a time, I bring reading material (usually it´s a short reading passage), then I bring in questions related to the reading material to get a nice conversation going. I also have debates, vocabulary games and grammar activities. Because of the different age groups and the difference between the work I do with them, I´m never bored. I like this experience and I´m grateful I was given the chance to participate in it.