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Col·legi Sagrada Família Lleida

The very first blog submission for the Programa Auxiliars de Conversa 2013-2104 comes from Col·legi Sagrada Família, in Lleida. This year they are hosting Kelly-Anne, a Conversation assistant who comes from Liverpool.

Her tutor, Inma, has sent us a link to the school’s English Blog, where you can read a welcome message to Kelly-Anne and also see some photos of her in action! Click here to visit the blog.


Also, Kelly-Anne herself has written about how she’s feeling about this experience so far, and what she does at Sagrada Família with her students:

Hello my name is Kelly-Anne. I am a conversation assistant in Sagrada Familia School, Lleida. I studied Criminology at Liverpool John Moores University in England. After gaining my degree in Criminology I decided that I wanted to travel and work in another country, to achieve this goal I applied to be a conversation assistant with CAPs and Home to Home and before I knew it I was flying out to Spain.

I teach classes from first of primary to fourth of secondary. For the first week I observed classes, got to know the students, teachers and the school. After the first week I took more responsibility within the classroom.

With both the primary and secondaryr students I participate in activities with them, helping them with speaking, reading and writing. Furthermore, the classes are sometimes divided into groups in which I spend time with each group in another room, doing activities and helping them improve their English.

I enjoy teaching both primary and secondary students, the English teachers at Sagrada Familia; Inma, Ana, David, Blanca, Monica and Magda are fantastic to work with and I enjoy working alongside them.

In my time in Lleida I am living with three host families. The first family I am currently living with welcomed me into their home at the start of October, they were so welcoming and made me feel comfortable and at home, the parents have a good level of English and the communication between us is very good. In the family there is a son who is nine years old and a daughter who is twelve years old and I get on with them very well. I really have enjoyed my time with my first host family and it will be very sad to leave them in December.

So far my experience in Lleida and at Sagrada Familia School has been one of the best experiences of my life so far, the students, host family and teachers are all lovely and it has been a pleasure to meet them and it’s a blessing to be working with them. I am having the most amazing time here in Lleida and I don´t plan to go back to England any time soon!

Kelly-Anne Kennedy

Thanks a lot, Inma & Kelly-Anne!