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Escola Pia Vilanova

It is the 2nd year that Escola Pia Vilanova is hosting a Conversation Assistant. Adam decided to leave London enroll in the Conversation Assistant program, to live new experiences after taking a TEFL course. He is enjoying his time in Vilanova, with the school and his host family. Everyone is really happy to have him in the school too! Thank  you for writing!


After living and working in London for 6 years as a restaurant manager in a very busy, fast paced environment, I was ready for a more relaxed, slower pace of life, but one with new experiences and challenges. During my time in London I made many good friends from Spain, many of which are from Catalonia and I have always remembered with great fondness my childhood holidays to the Spanish islands. So, a year ago I decided to give up my life in London and head for sunny Spain. I didn’t want to just go and work in a bar for the summer surrounded by English people, but immerse myself into Spanish life and become part of a community. I decided to take a TEFL course and look into teaching English. I came across the CAPS programme shortly after receiving my certificate and thought it looked like a fantastic experience. I wasn’t wrong.

 I have been at Escola Pia in Vilanova I la Geltrú for 3 months now and each day has been different, challenging and rewarding. I work with 4 different English teachers and with students from 1st of Primary (age 6) all the way through to 2nd Batxillerat (age 17/18). All the students and staff; teachers, secretaries and kitchen staff alike have been more than welcoming. Not a single one passes on the corridor or on the street (it’s a small town) without saying hello, and the younger students are just as excited to see me three months in as they were during the first week.

 Each class is different depending on the age group, but in general I can have as much or as little input as I like. I really enjoy my days in the school and everyday passes very quickly, just like the last three months. I can’t quite believe my time with my first host family is coming to an end.

 I decided to stay here in Spain for Christmas and I’m glad I did. My host family was more than happy to have me and show me all the Catalan traditions. I soon move to my next host family and start the next term, which, I’m sure will fly by as quickly as the first.

 All in all, so far, it’s been a very positive experience and it’s been a great way to introduce myself into life here. I have already made friends here in the town and have decided that I’m going to stay after the year has finished and find work in Vilanova.

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