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FEDAC Sant Andreu

FEDAC Sant Andreu has been in the PAC for three years now. This year they are hosting Molly, who comes from the UK. Molly is enjoying her time in FEDAC St. Andreu, with her students and host families, and from what we know, both school and host families also love having Molly with them. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience, Molly, and we hope you enjoy the rest of the schoolyear here!


Carnaval - Bob Esponja

We celebrated ‘Carnaval’ in school by each year group making their own costumes, all with different themes, and doing a ‘Rua de Carnestoltes’ (A walk around the block in our costumes, mainly so the parents can take photos) As you can see I was dressed up as ‘Bob Esponja’ (SpongeBob) – What a great day!

After finishing my studies last year, I was very undecided as to what step I wanted to take next. I only knew that I wanted to travel, enjoyed learning languages and that I had my TEFL qualification in hand. When I came across the CAPS program online, it really was ideal and I applied without hesitation…
I have now been living and working in Barcelona for nearly six months and I am sad to say I only have three left – time really does fly when you’re having fun!

I have been living in a small town, Sant Andreu, only 20 minutes by metro to the centre of Barcelona –  I have the best of both worlds. And have been working in a school, FEDAC Sant Andreu, currently just 10 minutes walk from my house. I work with pupils aged 3-16 years old, which at times can be quite the challenge (especially remembering all 700 names!) but we’re like a big family. From the first day, I was welcomed with open arms (and biscuits) and I’m definitely proud to say I’m part of the team! I have now been here almost six months and still can’t walk around the school without students greeting me around every corner. I’m thoroughly relishing my time here and it will definitely be difficult to leave all these smiley faces!

Molly working with P5 students

Activities with P5 students

Before arriving to Barcelona, I was extremely nervous about living with a host family, especially because I haven’t lived with my own parents for a couple of years! Obviously, you receive basic information about each one and can contact them via email, but you are still a little apprehensive until you meet them in person. Of course everybody will have their own experience, but personally I have had the best host families I could have asked for! I am currently living with my second host family and soon to move into my third. Though at first it was difficult to adapt to living with a host family, changing your surroundings completely and leaving your loved ones, it’s surprising how quickly you form close relationships with them and how difficult it is to leave them! But you have to remember that these families don’t receive any money to keep you in their home and it’s only a good experience if you make it one! So get involved with family activities/events, interact with the children, help out with chores around the house and you will definitely be a part of the family.

Previously never travelling to Spain, this experience has given me the opportunity to visit various places around this beautiful country and satisfied my wanderlust somewhat… to name a few: Valencia, Vic and even as far north as Andorra! (soon to be on the list, Madrid)

I truly have met the most wonderful people whilst living here… not only families, students and colleagues but fellow CAPS auxiliars (it’s always nice to have people who are in the same situation as you and that you can talk to without having to mime!) and Spanish friends I have made. All making my experience even better!

Working as an ‘auxiliar´ has allowed me to gain vital teaching experience, learn about a different culture and their traditions, improve both Spanish and Catalan languages and all whilst the sun is shining! What more could I ask for?

Col·legi St. Vicenç – St. Vicenç dels Horts

Col·legi Sant Vicenç is an Infant and Primary school located in Sant Vicenç dels Horts. They have been in the PAC for four years now! Martine is spending this year there as their conversation assistant, and has shared with us her thoughts on the programme so far. Thanks, Martine and her tutor Laia!


martine1Hello my name is Martine and I am currently on my gap year from the University of Ulster. I have known from I was in secondary school that I always want to pursue a career in teaching but never realized how hard it would be to achieve this goal until the past year. This program has given me the opportunity to get one step closer to my dream of teaching and also immerse myself in a different lifestyle and culture.

martine2From the minute I arrived in Barcelona I knew it would be a brilliant experience that would stay with me for the rest of my life. I am currently situated in a town just outside of Barcelona called Sant Vicenç del horts. When I first arrived I didn’t know what to expect especially living in a town as I am so used to city life. I have being working in Col•legi Sant Vicenç for 5months now and I am enjoying it a lot. Both Student and teachers have welcomed me with open arms and made me feel at home. I have been given the opportunity to take my own small groups for conversation classes and also been given the chance to take a few of my own English classes with the help of the teachers. I am so grateful that the school have giving me my own responsibilities and helped me gain a lot more confidence in the classroom. I work together with the English teachers to help plan my conversation classes and the school have also provided me with all the teaching material I need. The children brighten up my mornings with their welcoming smiles and there countless `Hellos.´ Each child brings their own personality to my conversation classes which makes each class different. To hear at least one child say a new word in English that they have learnt in my class makes my day. The days can be tiring but yet so rewarding to know that I am making a difference to a child´s life my speaking the language I have grew up with.

martine3Living with three host families has been the more difficult part of the program. From the minute I was told I would be spending 9 months in Barcelona I never knew what to expect as all families are different. The first family was so nice and welcomed me into their home as part of their own family but I found it hard to adapt to their way of life because I was so used to my student life back at home. I never realized how important language was until I met my first family as they spoke little English and communicating was hard at times. My currently family are brilliant I feel so at home in there house and both parents can speak English which for me was a bonus. This family is hugely involved in the local community so I have got to experience local events which have been brilliant. I am feeling positive that my final family will be as welcoming as my first two.

martine4In my spare time I like to meet up with other people on the program and share are experiences. It is so good having friends in close towns that are going through the same experience. I have also followed on the tradition of private tutoring lessons after school which is brilliant to meet people similar to my age in the same town. The majority of my lessons are just simple conversation classes that end up turning into a weekly gossip which is brilliant makes me feel like I am back home.

All in all it has been a great experience so far definitely one that I will never forget. The memories and friends I have made are for life. Its help me gain confidence in meeting new people and also essential teaching experience that will stand to me in the future. The whole experience so far has been a life lesson that I never thought I would have the courage to do. One thing I have learnt throughout the program is “anything´s possible if you set your mind to it.”