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Sagrada Família Lleida

Sagrada Família school is located in Lleida. They have been in the Conversation Assistants Programme almost since its beginning. Felix comes from Canada and is the Conversation Assistant who is helping teachers and students with English activities this year. You can also visit the School’s English Blog to read about activities they do with Felix and have done with previous Conversation Assistants.



At first I was hesitant about packing up my life and moving overseas to a country, culture, and language that was completely alien to me, but it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.


The families I have stayed with have been extremely kind, hospitable, friendly, and welcoming. Each day I yearn for more chances to do activities with the kids and teenagers, and many of them are eager and good students.
castanyada 016
The teachers here have also been very helpful and welcoming. It’s already been three months and it’s felt like only a few weeks!

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