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La Salle Mollerussa

La Salle Mollerussa has joined the PAC this year. Their conversation assistant, Ross, works with ESO, Batxillerat and CF students. It seems like everyone is enjoying Ross’s stay with them, including Ross himself, which is fantastic. Thanks a lot for writing 🙂


I was waiting with fellow conversation assistants for our hosts to arrive. As other people were leaving I was becoming increasingly nervous. It was very strange to think that the next year of my life was in the hands of people I had never met, when my name was called and I made my way outside I saw the kindly faces of Nuria, my first host, and Elisabet, my mentor in the school. I relaxed, and was able to start enjoying the experience.

My first trimester with Nuria was a great way to start. She is of a similar age and we got on very well. We were busy on weekends visiting her friends around Catalonia, and though it was exhausting as the first 3 months teaching are particularly tiring I have made, I hope, a good friend in her. I am now with my second family, who have a child in the school, and this offers a different, yet equally enjoyable experience. The food is fantastic (though I never eat enough to satisfy Carmen, the mother), and I have experienced a different Catalonia through living with this family.

My school has been an interesting experience. Before I left, I considered myself rather quiet, and therefore the idea of speaking to a class of children was rather intimidating. The children, however, are kind and enthusiastic so that you quickly overcome your nerves and feel increasingly confident with each successful class you give. Of course, there are some disastrous lessons where things just don’t go well, but it is just a matter of learning what works and doesn’t work; getting to know what the students respond best to.

I work with all students; those from ESO 1 to 4 (year 7-11), Bat 1 and 2 (year 12-13) and some Adult education classes. Each class is different, and the school have given me the flexibility to do as I wish, but they have also given the support if I ever needed help. I tend not use text books, as my lessons usually consist of simple conversation, debates, listening to me speak about something, reading aloud selected texts, writing, using scripts from comedies or songs to practise pronunciation etc. I also teach history to two years, and this has been good way to scratch up on my own history.

Overall, I have been very happy in La Salle Mollerussa, and in Mollerussa. All the teachers have been welcoming, and they have made sure I have been kept busy socially. I constantly meet lovely people in my daily life. My Catalan is progressing slowly, and I would like to stay in Catalonia longer if I can. I recommend the experience to all.

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