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Maristes Sants – Les Corts

New blog post! This time coming from escola Maristes Sants – Les Corts, in Barcelona. It is their second year in the program and they are hosting two conversation assistants: Mike and Samar, one in Primary and the other in ESO. It seems like they are having a great experience, let’s hear it from the Primary teachers and Mike himself:

Mike is our conversation assistant at Maristes Sants- Les Corts . He is at primary school teaching children from 6 to 12 years old. He is usually in the Red Bus, the English interactive classroom.  In the speaking corner, actually known as “Mike’s corner”, he speaks, plays and helps children to act out short stories. Definitely, he and his students learn while having fun.

Hola! Hailing from good old London town, my name is Mike and I have been the Conversational Assistant at Maristes Sants Les Corts since January. My students are of primary level, aged 6 to 12, and are all extremely enthusiastic. My duties include speaking and encouraging others to speak through playing games, helping to construct and act out role plays, and unofficially creating terrible pieces of “art”.

Mike and some of the English teachers at Maristes Sants – Les Corts

I am privileged to work with many awesome teachers, affectionately branded as my “peeps” or “peepitos”, who really do go out of their way to attempt to integrate me into civilised society. All of them have proven supportive throughout and have made my experience at the school a pleasant one. Likewise, my family are some of the most amazing people I have met in my life, who have taken it upon themselves to make me feel loved. Furthermore, I was flattered to learn that they wanted to keep me for the duration of my stay in Barcelona, which made me all warm and fuzzy inside.

I would recommend the experience to anyone interested in teaching abroad and with a genuine desire to shake up their lives. Leaving friends, family and possessions behind is certainly not for everyone. Fear not for those who can, plentiful opportunities for tutoring, learning Spanish and Catalan and befriending a region of absolutely lovely people awaits!

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