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Col·legi Sant Josep – St. Sadurní d’Anoia

News from Sant Sadurní d’Anoia! Also, check out the School’s Website to see the Conversation Assistants in action and some more great photos!


It is the first year that Col·legi Sant Josep in Sant Sadurní d’Anoia takes part in FECC’s Conversation Assistants program.  Sant Josep school is hosting Nicholas and Richard, from  the UK. They both help students from 4th of Primary to 4th of ESO. Our students have the opportunity to improve their English language by doing dynamic classes and  a wide range of activities to get fluency in your spoken English.

Both Nicholas and Richard have written to make us know what their experience with the program is like so far. Thank you Nicholas and Richard!


From the moment I landed in Barcelona, I knew that my life would change forever. I am residing in Sant Sadurni d’Anoia which is a beautiful part of Catalonia, and I am staying with a very welcoming family who are excellent with me. I am tremendously lucky to have this experience in front of me. The family have taken me in as if I were their very own son; it is heart warming and something I will never take for granted.

The opportunities that happen within this programme is incredible. Many examples would include the family that I live with; they are incredible and just like your very own family at home. Other examples would include the school that I work at, the school is called St Josep and it is amazing. The students as well as the teachers bring a sense of enjoyment into education and I believe that I have been truly blessed with the school that I work at, and also the family that I live with. I wanted to immerse myself into the culture and lifestyle that the family live, which often including skiing and taking part in various sports and being a big part of their children’s lives.

Sometimes I feel that I am going to grow too attached to the family and get too comfortable, but I realise the importance of this programme and how fantastic these opportunities can be. I have struggled in the past with acquiring teaching experience at Primary schools, but this programme has allowed me to not only teach older students but also Primary students. I love preparing lessons and getting students to be enthusiastic about their lessons with me. The students have become an important part of my life as I feel that it is necessary to leave with a massive impact on their lives and help the way they speak the English language as well as understand it. In the upcoming term, I plan to develop drama activities for the students to show them new and interesting ways of learning English as it value their learning and my experience at the school.

For anyone who has an interest in teaching or wants to venture into education, this would be the perfect programme as it would not only offer you valuable teaching experience, but a great family to live with, fantastic weather, and beautiful sights with great culture.


My experience so far. Since beginning the CAPS scheme and commencing work in St. Josep I can honestly say that already, I feel I have improved myself as a person. I have settled very quickly in the beautiful town of Cava, San Sadurni D’Anoia. The people here are wonderful, I have been welcomed into the community and I have been greeted with open arms.

Having the opportunity to spend time in St. Josep, using my English language skills, is a joy. The Students all take the chance to speak with me to try to practice talking, and even some of the Teachers are interested to learn about my culture and improve their English skills. I really feel appreciated here, and the weather is not bad either!!

I have no doubt that I will enjoy my time here, and that I will learn lot about life.

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