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La Salle La Seu d’Urgell

Amy is a Conversation Assistant at La Salle in La Seu d’Urgell. She takes part in lessons with all age groups and adapts the activities to each level. She is having a good time in La Salle and the students, teachers and school staff are really happy to have her in the school. We thank Amy and her tutor Anna for sharing Amy’s experience with us!


My experience as an English Language assistant in La Salle school has been amazing, so much so, that I want to stay! When I arrived I was welcomed immediately and all the teachers made me feel at home (even the ones that can’t speak English). I enjoy mostly working with Primary level but throughout all the levels there is lots of fun. The teachers are very open to new ideas and I didn’t feel shy to make suggestions or interact with the students. The students love asking questions and always take the opportunity to speak to me as a native English person.

In infant classes the lessons are mainly speaking exercises; practising numbers, colours and other vocabulary. The teachers are very willing to get me involved and now I often do the starters which I enjoy so much and also enables me to correct pronunciation.

At primary level on special occasions such as Halloween or Christmas I take the lesson and explain and do activities about traditions from Britain. I enjoy doing this because I can use my own ideas and activities as well as letting the students learn different vocabulary. However, in a normal lesson I help with new vocabulary and pronunciation, I help the students with reading activities and listening. I often explain tasks in order for the pupils to get used to hearing the English language naturally, I then check their understanding with comprehension questions.

In Secondary lessons I am mostly a conversation assistant. I take small groups of 4 or 5 students and prepare my own topics of conversation; this gives the students the opportunity to talk to me and ask questions, as well as making their own pronunciation corrections. When I am not taking groups, I join the class and help with grammar activities and reading. Similarly to primary level, when there is a special occasion I offer to take classes to explain traditions as even older students find it just as interesting.

I am also involved with the AFI section of the school. I help in mechanics and electronics classes as well as administration and business classes. I find these interesting as the English the students learn is very specific, also as they are older I can do different activities with them. I mainly do speaking lessons with these students because their general lessons are grammar based. I like thinking of ideas for the classes and different topics away from the curriculum; it’s just as interesting for me as it is for them.

Overall, my experience at La Salle has been such an opportunity to learn and gain knowledge at the same time as teaching. From the students to the teachers and the lessons to the playground, everything has been fantastic and is the best decision I have made.

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