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Col·legi Dr. Masmitjà – Girona

Here we have the first blog submission for this school year 2014-15, coming straight from Col·legi Doctor Masmitjà in Girona!

This Infant and Primary school in Girona has been in the Conversation Assistants Programme since its beginnings in 2009. This year they are hosting Erin. She comes from the state of New York, USA, and will be staying in Girona for 9 moths.

We thank Erin and her tutor, Enric, for sharing their experience with us!


I could write an entire book about my positive experiences here in Catalunya. To say that I am thankful for being placed here in Girona is an understatement. The culture of Doctor Masmitjà is one that I am so blessed to be a part of: kind students that are eager to learn new things, as well as friendly and optimistic teachers that made me feel immedidately comfortable upon my arrival in September. It is obvious that they are making an effort as many of them choose to speak English with me throughout the day!



My new family members did the exact same. They have welcomed me with open arms and include me in all of their daily activites. We often cook for each other and share new recipes, hike in the mountains, and swim in the sea (when it is warm enough)! When I am at the school Monday-Friday I truly enjoy my hours spent there. I am lucky enough to work with ages three all the way to twelve so each day is an exciting mix! The English teachers that I work directly with every day include me to the fullest in the classroom. Sometimes I even have the opportunity to participate in the school´s excursions including to a dormant volcano! When I am not at the school I enjoy teaching English privately as well as exploring the unique beauty Girona offers with friends.


Col·legi Dr. Masmitjà – Girona

Col·legi Dr. Masmitjà, an Infant and Primary school located in Girona, has been in the Programa Auxiliars de Conversa for five years. This year they are hosting Rebecca, a Conversation Assitant from California. She helps students from 3 to 11 years old improve their English language skills, and is also helping the 6th graders in the Schools Song Contest! Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Rebecca!



  IMG_4150 (Small)IMG_0965 (Small)From the first day when I met my host family and tutor I knew I was going to have an amazing experience.  I felt very at home from the beginning with my host family and have really enjoyed spending time with them experiencing what their life in Girona is like.  I have spent some time at soccer and basketball games and at extended family’s homes for delicious meals as well. Whether I am teaching the children English, playing games with them, or talking with my host parents everything is funny and enjoyable.  My positive feelings about living in Spain extend to my teaching experience as well.  Everyone at the school has been very welcoming.  All of the teachers have made an effort to make me feel very comfortable and supported and they were successful from day one. I love that I am able to work with everyone at the school, ranging from ages 3 to 11.  All of my classes from P3 to 6th are delightful.  I spend the most time with the students in 6th.  IMG_4161 (Small)I have also been lucky enough to be able to participate in activities outside of teaching English in the classroom. These include field trips and working on extra English projects, such as a song competition.  I also teach English outside of the school, hang out with friends whenever possible, and am trying not to miss an opportunity to travel while here in Europe.  I am busy as can be and am enjoying every minute of it.  Experiencing the culture and getting to know people I have met while here has been a wonderful experience so far and I know it is only going to get better.


Col·legi Dr. Masmitjà – Girona

Maria comes from the United States and is a Conversation Assistant in Col·legi Dr. Masmitjà, a primary school in Girona. Col·legi Dr. Masmitjà was one of the first schools to join the program, 4 years ago! Their conversation assistants have always enjoyed their time there, and so is Maria.



I’m Maria, and I´m the conversation assistant at Col.legi Dr Masmitja, which is a primary school in Girona. I have been here since the end of September, and will stay with the school until June 2013. I work at the school 5 days a week, Monday through Friday. My schedule changes from day to day, but I come in most days at 9 in the morning, when classes start, and work until 4 or 5 in the afternoon, depending on the day. I teach each section in the school, including P3, P4 and P5, once a week (meaning I have 1A once a week, 1B once a week, etc). My current goal is to learn the names of all of my students! So far, I have learned quite a few names, and I try to practice them by using the student’s name whenever I ask them to participate, and listen whenever the teacher uses their name. In most of my classes, I work hand in hand with the English teacher for that class to complete the activities from the English book, explaining the grammar and introducing new vocabulary. I also  try to put together a fun and interactive activity for all of the classes at least once every 2 weeks. With the younger children, we play many English games and sing many songs to help the children with improving their pronunciation.

Maria explaining Halloween to her students

Before I arrived in Catalunya, the school set me up with two host families for the school year. I am currently still living with my first family, which consists of a mom and her three children; Maria and Lluc, who are 11 year twins, and Ariadna, who is 16. I teach the two younger children once a week at the school, but the older girl is already in high school. The family has been very welcoming, and includes me on all of the family activities. My weekends are usually filled with soccer games, basketball games, track meets, and, my favorite, trips to the family farm in Olot! There, the extended family has many horses, cows, dogs and cats, and I spent hours with the girls visiting all of the animals. All of the activities that we do together allows the family to practice their English and improve their vocabulary. Outside of these casual English practices, I assist all of the children with their homework when they have questions, and help them study for any exams. I also hold study sessions with all of them individually to review topics that they learned in school, and to give them extra exercises. I will be moving to my second family in January, and am very excited to see the culture from a different aspect!

Outside of the classes I give in school, I hold private conversation classes with the children of some of my coworkers, as well as two private grammar intensive classes. Since Girona does not attract as many native speakers as a city as big as Barcelona would, people here are always like to take advantage of having a native speaker in the area, and always look forward to the new CAPS showing up.

In my free time, I like to meet up with the other CAPS in the area, either for a meal or for some walking around the city. I like to take advantage of any extended weekends to see more of the country, as well as other parts of Catalunya and other European countries.

Everyone that I have met during my time here so far, especially the staff at the school and my host family, have made me feel like I belong, and have done everything to help me adapt to the new culture/job. Being thrown into a new culture has definitely been worth it, and I can’t see myself wanting to leave any time soon.

Col·legi Dr. Masmitjà (Girona)

Good morning from Girona!

Ciara Mc Intyre, our conversation assistant for this year school year, has been interacting with our students since her arrival, on the 1st of October. From the little kids in P3 to our youngsters in 6, she will be helping us in developing oral skills in our students. We are all very excited about her work at our school and are very sure that her stay is going to be a great success!

Here is a picture of our Conversation Assistant on the day of her arrival at Barcelona airport.