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Experiència d’una família acollidora


Ja uns mesos abans, l’arribada de l’Emily era molt desitjada per tots. En Jordi, en Guillem i en Pau per a saber com seria, què podrien fer amb ella i si s’hi podrien entendre; nosaltres per saber com funcionaria tot, com ens organitzaríem, com anirien els àpats, els horaris, si ens entendríem, no només des del punt de vista de l’idioma sinó per la diferent manera de veure coses; no oblidem que estem acostumats a tractar amb fills relativament petits i, de cop i volta, teníem una “filla” de 23 emilyanys.

Si feu clic a la imatge o aquí, podreu llegir el testimoni sencer d’aquesta família de l’escola Infant Jesús de Barcelona, que va acollir una auxiliar de conversa nord-americana durant un trimestre. També podeu llegir l’experiència de l’Emily, l’auxiliar de conversa, clicant aquí.

Moltes gràcies a l’escola Infant Jesús per cedir-nos les imatges per a penjar-les al bloc!

Escola Infant Jesús

Infant Jesús is a school located in Barcelona. It’s their third year in the PAC and they are hosting two Conversation Assistants: Emily, from the US, and Jessica from the UK. Thank you for sharing your experience with us 🙂



Emily with a group of Primary students

Hi! My name is Emily Taylor and I am currently one of the Conversational Assistants at Infant Jesús Escola in Barcelona. I am lucky enough to work with all the primary English teachers and their students here at Infant Jesus. In collaboration with the English teachers, I plan oral activities for students aged 6 to 12 years old. I take small groups of students to participate in such activities, which include interactive games, role-playing, songs, and projects to help students to practice speaking and pronunciation.

Since I arrived in September, I have felt extremely welcomed into the community of Infant Jesus. My tutor, the teachers, and the staff have made me feel very comfortable here. I have lived with two host families thus far, and again they have made my transition and my experience at Infant Jesus, in Barcelona very rewarding. It has been a wonderful experience to be able to live with a Catalan family and be immersed into the Catalan culture.

Also outside of the school, I take part in private English conversation classes with some of my students. As a native English speaker, I think this is a great way to get to know my students better, while reinforcing pronunciation and vocabulary.


Jessica and some of her students

Hi! I am Jessica Kilcoyne-Hall and I have been working in Barcelona since the end of September and during this time I have been working at the Escola Infant Jesús. Everybody at the school has been so welcoming and has helped me to settle in well, all of the students are lively and enthusiastic and I was surprised to learn that there level of English is so good. English is set as a high priority at this school and it is reflected in the students abilities. The teachers are all very supportive and have helped me on many occasions with lessons and have even sourced additional tutoring opportunities for me.

So far I have stayed with two families, one before Christmas and one after and they have both been amazing in helping me find me feet in a new city and I am very grateful to them for welcoming me into their homes as if I were a member of their own family.

Barcelona is an amazing city and I have found this to be one of the best experiences of my life. I am very lucky to be part of this program and very grateful to all those involved.

Escola Infant Jesús

Molly Crane is a Conversation Assistant at Escola Infant Jesús (Barcelona). She is helping teachers in both primary and secondary school, and doing really well so far.

We thank her and her tutor Núria for writing to us about Molly’s experience!

My name is Molly Crane-Newman and I am 19 years old, I was born in San Francisco California and have lived in Dublin since I was 2 years old. I finished school 2 years ago and then went on to study Journalism in college.

I came to Barcelona on Sunday the 26th of September this year to start working as an English teacher the following day in Infant Jesús. It was my first time in Barcelona, I didn’t speak Catalan or Spanish and did not know one person upon arrival, so as you can imagine I was very nervous!

I am staying with three families over the course of nine months. I left my first family at the end of the first term. I was living a stone’s throw from the school and living with a three year old and a ten month old. As the little boy was so young we didn’t practise English during ‘homework time’ as he is in P3 and isn’t given any homework, so we would play games etc. and myself and his parents would speak in English (as I don’t speak Catalan!) and he began to pick up a little vocabulary. I now collect him once a week from school and stay for a few hours playing and talking in English!

Up until this term I had been working with children 5-12 years old. With the smaller ones (so up until 3rd grade) I took groups of 4-5 out of class and we practised role plays in English (Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs) and they absolutely loved it. Their scripts were tiny and it took a few classes to get some pronunciation but it’s a really lovely activity and I’ve even over heard them practising in the playground! With 3rd and 4th grade I also took them out in groups and most days we did little side activities related to what they were doing in class at the time. So one week for instance it was numbers, and a few weeks before it was the alphabet. With the 5th and 6th graders (who I still have this term) I have divided them into groups based on their level of English as a few of the children are practising English outside of school and their communication skills are amazing whereas some of the children will not speak a word. I have ‘The Badgers’ ‘The Monkey’s’ and ‘The Wolves’ and then at the beginning of class I’ll take one group for a half an hour and then another for the last half hour. I come up with different ideas of what to do with each group and I can then use the same activity with the rest of the classes.

This term I started with 1st and 2nd of ESO. They are very enthusiastic and I haven’t had any problem with bad behaviour (which I was nervous about!), the only problems I’ve had is the occasional shy pupil but after a few classes they open up a bit! The teachers I work with from ESO have helped me with my materials and basically what we’re doing is conversation related to what they’re studying in class at the moment. This week for 1st of ESO it is school (so favourite subjects/sports activities etc) and with 2nd of ESO, sports (teams they support, sports they play themselves etc.) I start off with a few questions, and then they complete a role-play activity related to the topic and the activity is finished with a picture description (again all related to the topic we’re discussing). They seem comfortable with the activity and I think it’s a great way to get them talking!

Working in Infant Jesús is amazing. Everybody has been so welcoming and friendly and I feel so lucky to have been given this opportunity. Moving to a different country for the first time is terrifying but I really could not be less scared at this point.. Of course it’s still difficult meeting new people and learning the language but everyday it gets a little bit easier and I’m meeting some really lovely people who I know I will remain in contact with. I have fallen in love with the city and intend to stay here for a few years. I would absolutely recommend this to anybody who has an interest in teaching it is a fantastic experience.

Molly Crane Newman