We are Susan and Rosa from Voramar School in Barcelona.
I’m Rosa, Susan’s tutor this year. I’m one of the English teachers at secondary and I also do French classes and I’m in charge of the Language Seminary at my school. Since Susan’s arrival we’ve been working together in different things, and our students have been enjoying the activities she’s prepared so much.
What we like the most about Susan is her character and personality. She’s always very kind to everybody at school and even the teachers who had never spoken English before, feel like speaking to her!
Our first project together was HALLOWEEN. She was working with our students from 5th Primary to 4th ESO above all on the differences and things in common between our cultures on that day. Eventually, she decorated the hall of the school ( we leave you a few photos of it).

Susan decorated the school hall for Halloween

Halloween activities
And now, Susan’s thoughts:
I’m Susan and I’ am enjoying my time here in Voramar school. I have felt very welcomed by all the students and teachers, everyone is very nice and they are helping me to learn some Spanish and Catalan. I love the students they are friendly and at times very funny! I like to learn about their culture and compare the differences and similarities’ between both are two countries. I tried my first Castanyes (conkers) and panellets which are eaten around Halloween time here in Barcelona and they are very tasty. I recently have been focusing on our traditions in the UK and USA for Halloween and how we celebrate it and why. I found that here they have a bigger lunch or (Dinar) than the UK which is also very tasty and I also found out that at Christmas or (Nadal) that here they have a log called Tió which they place presents inside of, then on Christmas morning children sing and hit it with a stick until the presents come out. I found this to be the most different of the traditions but also a very fun one.