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FEDAC Sant Vicenç

Even though the students are already on holidays, teachers are still working! Irene, Carme and Sílvia, three English teachers from FEDAC Sant Vicenç, have written to us to share their school’s experience with their Conversation Assistant, Warren.

Thanks a lot!



It’s the 1st year that FEDAC Sant Vicenç is hosting a Conversation Assistant. Warren, from UK, arrived at our school in January.

Warren works with 3-16 years old doing different activities according to the level of students. He teaches the youngest classes with games, learning lots of new words.

With primary students he usually takes small group of students to another room to practice speaking activities: games, role plays, questions and answers, drawing stories,…


As for as Secondary Education is concerned, the conversation assistant has helped the English teachers in many ways. On the first sessions, he remained in class, reading texts out loud so that the students became familiar with his pronunciation and intonation. On the following sessions, groups of 4-5 students were sent away with him, and they practised oral skills, making rhymes with words, learning new vocabulary and singing songs as well as watching films. Sometimes those groups were larger, up to 12 students for about 25-30 minutes.

It’s been a positive experience for both, the school and the students, who have both made effort to speak English with the conversation assistant, not only in class, but also with the school building, when playing sport in the playground as well as eating lunch in the school canteen.