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By júlia verdaguer, on setembre 17th, 2012% Els Auxiliars de Conversa són a punt d’arribar a Catalunya, a les vostres escoles i les vostres cases. La data oficial de la trobada amb les famílies d’acollida és el dissabte, 29 de setembre, a partir de les 12:30h.
Per correu electrònic us farem arribar la franja horària exacta en què heu de venir a recollir l’auxiliar.
QUAN? Dissabte, 29 de setembre. A partir de les 12:30. Si us plau, consulteu l’horari exacte amb la persona de contacte de la vostra escola.
QUI? Ha de venir a recollir l’auxiliar la família acollidora (no cal que sigui sencera!) i algun representant de l’escola.
ON? Residència Salesiana Martí Codolar. Av. Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, 15. Barcelona.
Cliqueu aquí per accedir al mapa de Google Maps i cerqueu el recorregut des de casa vostra.
By júlia verdaguer, on agost 23rd, 2012% We are getting everything ready to welcome the new Conversation Assistants. They will arrive on September 28th from around the world: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, the US and Canada! On September 29th, after attending two talks about the Catalan School System, how to be great Conversation Assistants at their schools and how to be the best hosts at their new homes, they will be picked up by their host families and a representative of each school. And then they will leave, to start the adventure of living in a new place and being a Conversation Assistant for nine months somewhere in Catalonia (and one of them in Andorra!)
So that you get an idea of where they are all heading, we have created this map. Click on it to see the list of schools and where each one is located.
Ja estem preparant l’arribada de la quarta promoció d’Auxiliars de Conversa. Arribaran el 28 de setembre des de llocs com Anglaterra, Irlanda del Nord, Escòcia, Gal·les, Irlanda, els Estats Units i el Canadà. El 29 de setembre, després d’assistir a xerrades sobre el sistema educatiu català, com ser un Auxiliar de Conversa fantàstic a les escoles i el millor hoste a les seves noves llars, els recolliran les famílies acollidores i un representant de cada escola. Llavors marxaran i començarà la seva aventura vivint en un lloc nou i sent Auxiliar de Conversa durant nou mesos en algun lloc de Catalunya (i un d’ells a Andorra!)
Perquè us feu una idea dels llocs cap a on aniran a passar aquests nou mesos, hem creat aquest mapa. Cliqueu damunt de la imatge per veure la llista d’escoles i poblacions i on està situada cadascuna.
By júlia verdaguer, on juny 6th, 2012% Siobhan comes from Ireland and she has been a Conversation Assistant in Col·legi Escorial (Vic) for 9 months and has had a great experience. Thanks for e-mailing us!
Hello! My name is Siobhan Walsh and I am the conversational assistant at Escorial Vic. I arrived in Catalonia at the beginning of October last year. Ever since then I have been able to experience new things, meet new people and gain a lot of experience.
When I first arrived here I was welcomed into the home of a very special family. I immediately felt at home here and they made the transition from living in Ireland to living here so much easier for me. My second family were exactly the same and luckily for me, so are the third family! I have been extremely lucky!
The school has been no different! All the teachers have been so welcoming and friendly. Even the teachers who have very little English are so nice and always speak with me in Spanish. My two tutors, Gemma and Marta, have been fantastic. They are always there if I have a question or need some help.
The students here are great! My job is to encourage them to speak English through activities and games. I work with students from 3rd class in primary to 4th of ESO. With the 3rd and 4th of primary I assist the teacher in the classroom. We play games and do role plays. With 5th and 6th of primary I do CLIL. I think this is a great idea for the students to learn other subjects in English. We have done topics such as Biology and Geography. In ESO, the larger classes are divided into groups and 6-8 students will come with me to do speaking activities. I have really enjoyed my classes with all of these students. They have been very enthusiastic and we have had a lot of funny moments.
This program is a great experience for people who want to try something new. I have met some great people both through the school and through the program who I know I will remain friends with. I would definitely recommend this experience to other people.
By júlia verdaguer, on abril 27th, 2012% Andy is a Conversation Assistant in Escola Sagrada Família, in Lleida. He arrived in December and has since been enjoying his time here. So have the students and teachers at the school, and his two host families. Everyone’s English has improved!
Hello my name is Andy. I am a conversation assistant in Sagrada Familia School, Lleida. I studied Philosophy at university, and after decided that I wanted to travel to another country to work. Through this I began a TEFL course, and at the beginning of November I applied to be a conversation assistant with CAPS and Home to Home. Three weeks later I was flying out to Spain.
I teach in classes from first of primary to second BATX, so I am getting the most out of my experience. My first week was spent observing classes, and after that I began to get more responsibility in them. Both of my tutors for primary and secondary are so helpful when it comes to lessons, and they made me feel very comfortable in the classroom environment.
With the younger primary classes, I play games to help improve their vocabulary, and practice speaking with them. They are always very keen to ask me lots of questions, which can only be a good thing, as they are encouraged to speak English. With the older primary classes, we divide the class into two groups, and I take one half to do an activity and the next week we switch the groups around.
In ESO classes and BATX things are very different, but I enjoy it all the same. My tutor Ana gives me many opportunities to not only help the students practice speaking, but also take control of classes on a weekly basis, where I take the class through different activities and work with them like their own teacher. I also get the opportunity to try out ideas for lessons with Ana in the class which I really enjoy, especially when I know that the students enjoy it.
In my time here in Lleida I am living with two families. The first family I was living with until the end of March. They are some of the nicest people I have ever met, and were so welcoming to me when I first arrived. The parents didn´t speak English but there was no awkwardness between us at all. They are all so nice. In the family there is a son who is roughly the same age as me which was good, as we have similar interests. The two daughters have an excellent level of English, and we were always laughing and joking every day. I felt like part of the family, even with the Gran who also lived in the house. It has been an incredible experience living with them and I was sad to leave. The new family I’m living with has given me a different but equally incredible experience. Rather than living in the city I’m staying in a village 5 minutes from the city. I’m enjoying having a different life.
So far my experience here has been incredible and literally don’t have a bad word to say about it. Some weeks ago, I was visited by Raquel, one of the girls from Home to Home, and Júlia from FECC to see how I was getting on. I thought was a good thing, as it shows both of them are doing their jobs correctly. I am having an amazing time here in Spain and don’t plan on leaving the country.
By júlia verdaguer, on abril 13th, 2012% Estem preparant l’arribada de la quarta promoció d’auxiliars de conversa a les escoles que participen al Programa Auxiliars de Conversa (PAC) i a les cases de les famílies que, generosament, s’han ofert a acollir-los.
Des de l’organtizació del PAC hem convocat tres sessions informatives obertes a tothom: famílies acollidores, famílies interessades, direccions i mestres d’escola, etc. En aquestes reunions parlarem de què suposa acollir un auxiliar de conversa a casa, com podem facilitar la seva integració a la família i al nostre país i, és clar, donarem resposta a totes les preguntes que pugueu plantejar-nos.
Demarcació de Lleida – Dimarts, 8 de maig, 18:00h
Lloc: Escola Lestonnac L’Ensenyança. Av. Prat de la Riba, 38. Lleida
Demarcació de Girona – Dimecres, 9 de maig, 18:00h
Lloc: Escola Maristes Girona. Av Josep Tarradellas, 5-7. Girona
Demarcació de Barcelona – Dijous, 10 de maig, 18:00h
Lloc: Escola Pia Balmes. Carrer Balmes, 208. Barcelona
Podeu descarregar-vos un model de circular i un cartell per a promocionar les sessions en els següents enllaços:
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Si us plau, en cas que vingueu a alguna de les sessions, confirmeu la vostra assistència al correu pac@escolacristiana.org, indicant a quina de les tres sessions assistireu, i quantes persones vindreu.
By júlia verdaguer, on març 19th, 2012% Alex is a Conversation Assistant in Escola Pare Coll in Vic. He arrived in January and has quickly adapted to his new school, new home and new way of life, with an open mind and with the help of the school and his host family. We hope he enjoys the next months as much as possible too!
I moved to Vic, Catalonia in january of this year. The first few days I spent with my adopted family who, it must be said, are brilliant. They were extremely welcoming and have continued to be conscientious, warm and generous ever since, especially in allowing me to be part of their family and including me in their daily activities. I have had fun trying to get their three sons to speak English (mostly while playing basketball and/or football), and they are coming along very well. I’m lucky that they speak some english and they have introduced me to different aspects of Catalan culture and to various people of different ages so i have never felt isolated in this new place.
My experience at school has been very fun too. I have been lucky, once again, that my tutor and the rest of the teaching staff have been incredibly helpful and welcoming and continue to be so each and every day. The school is large, with students from 5 to 16 years, but we have found that games and dialogues have been very successful in encouraging the children to speak english. Interestingly, a large number of ESO students are going to London in the near future so I have been trying to give them an idea of what to expect and certain tips insider tips on the city. I also regularly help with pronunciation, grammar and any other linguistic questions they may have. We have a strict ‘only English’ rule in class wherever possible.
Overall, my experience of Catalonia has been very special. I have felt comfortable from the start and this is down to the warmth and support of the people around me. I’m very confident that I am not the only conversation assistant to feel this way! I would wholeheartedly recommend this experience to others.
Gracies i Adeu.
By júlia verdaguer, on març 7th, 2012% We have received another submission, this time from Escola Mare de Déu de la Mercè, FEDAC-Sant Andreu in Barcelona. We thank them for taking the time to write!
Hola, sóc l’Helena, tutora del nostre assistent de conversa, el Kai Collins.
Quan em van encomanar aquesta tasca em costava fer-me a la idea d’una persona de parla anglesa voltant per la nostra escola. En pocs dies, no només em vaig acostumar a aquest fet, sinó que de seguida li vaig trobar els avantatges. És un luxe poder comunicar-nos a l’escola en anglès en el dia a dia. Les nostres sales de profes han fet un canvi, s’han enriquit. Igualment s’han enriquit les classes, els passadissos, el menjador i els patis… A l’Escola Mare de Déu dela Mercè, FEDAC Sant Andreu l’anglès ja no és només competència dels professors d’aquesta llengua, ara l’anglès és més viu gràcies a la presència del Kai.
Helena Giménez i Medina
Being a conversation assistant in Barcelona is the best thing I´ve ever done, especially in terms of work!
Since arriving here at the start of October I have settled into Spanish life even though before moving here I had never spoken a word of Spanish or Catalan. When first arriving I felt so excited by what the next year or more had in store for me and the excitement hasn´t dwindled. I am now living with my second host family and both have been amazing at helping me to become part of their family whilst still recognising that I am an adult and treating me like one.
Having never considered teaching before moving to another country and becoming one was a big step, and one that I´m glad I made, teaching children from the age of 3 to 16 is great as every lesson is different and I never get bored of the same old class all day. The teachers at the school have been amazing at helping me teach in class and feel welcome. My tutor has been especially good to me helping me with anything that I need, such as taking me to the hospital for appointments as I am diabetic and introducing me to her niece who teaches me Spanish. Moving to Barcelona was the best decision I’ve made in a long time and I would highly recommend it to anyone (and already have!).
Kai Collins
By júlia verdaguer, on gener 11th, 2012% Lee Pryke comes from the UK and is a Conversation Assitant in Col·legi Claret, Barcelona. He works with students from 4 to 18 years old, so he has to adapt his activities to very different levels. He’s having a good experience overall, and so is the school!
I first arrived in Barcelona on the 30th September to work as a Conversation Assistant in Claret. After a big group meeting on some minor details we waited to meet our host families. Everyone was really nervous as we sat there waiting to be picked up, as we had very little information about them and I didn’t know what to expect.
However, it seems I was very lucky with my family. I was greeted with big smiles and kisses and a few nervous kids. But the nerves soon dissolved and they were very welcoming and willing to talk and play. We spend a lot of time together and often go away at the weekends to France. It’s great fun spending time with them. I will miss them all a lot when I move to my next host family.
A couple of days later I started at school again and I wasn’t too sure about what to expect so the nerves crept back in. The first impression of the school was very good although it seems to resemble a maze. It only took a couple of weeks to understand the layout. Everyone at the school was really welcoming and very helpful with anything I needed help with. My tutors Cristina and Pere provide me with all the resources I need and are always willing to help with any problems I have. We have weekly meetings to discuss any problems and new ideas, which is really great as I’m learning a lot from them both.
I’m working with children from fourth grade up to Batxillerat. The younger children took a couple of weeks to get used to my accent. I needed to learn to slow my speech down as it seemed I was faced with a confused bunch of children for the first couple of weeks every time I spoke to them. They are all very interested in talking with me and willing to practise their English. The older children are really good fun. Being able to have a full conversation with them about varied topics is really interesting and I’m getting to know them all. We’re working on projects with the younger children which they all find very exciting. With the older children we work on discussions to practice their conversational skills about topics they can relate too.
When I arrived in Barcelona I wasn’t aware that their first language wasn’t Spanish. Or even there was a place called Catalunya. So now I’m trying to learn Spanish and little bits of Catalan. I’ve learnt a lot about the culture here already and the way of life. Everything here is much more relaxed than back home. I can easily get used to this lifestyle, It’s taken a while to get used to the times of eating as it’s a lot later than what it is back home but with a few snacks snuck in I soon got used to it.
I look forward to spending the next year with the school and meeting the new families.
By júlia verdaguer, on gener 2nd, 2012% Daniel Hill comes from Bristol and is currently living in Igualada while he works as a Conversation Assistant in Escola Pia. He works with students from 1st of ESO to 2nd of Batxillerat. He’s having a good experience, and so is the school. We thank them for taking time to email us!
I arrived at Escola Pia on the morning of the 3rd October to a warm welcome from my tutor Maria. I was shown around the school, and given my timetable along with the other CAPS assistant.
From my timetable, I had learnt that I would be working with 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th ESO classes and both age groups of ´batxillerat´students.
I was a bit nervous in the first few classes with each age group, but soon settled in. The teachers at Escola Pia have been very welcoming and have assisted me whenever I have needed help. I have settled in well at school, and in Igualada itself. I have also made a few friends here, in the two months I have been living here.
With the ESO classes, we have been working mainly on role-playing activities – in which the teacher will provide a topic, discuss it with the class, introduce the vocabulary and then allocate the students time to come up with a role-play. During this time, the students are encouraged to ask me questions on the vocabulary and pronunciation. The students will then stand in front of the class and perform their role play, using as much of the new vocabulary as they can.
While the students perform, the teacher and I will analyse and then elicit to the students regarding any grammatical or pronunciation mistakes which are made.
The way the classes work with the batxillerat students, are different. The structure is more conversation based.
Normally I will choose a topic to discuss, and the teacher will send me 4-6 students so that I can listen to their levels of speaking and pronunciation. It is also a good way to show their understanding of the questions asked.
We do these discussions in a separate classroom.
Daniel during a presentation about his hometown, Bristol
After spending some time with the batxillerat students, I believe that they have become used to my presence, and this helps them to relax while doing the conversation classes.
I thoroughly enjoy all the classes I am involved in at Escola Pia. Each are rewarding in their own ways.
With the 2nd ESO classes, we are currently working on a school song-contest – which will be entered into a competition in Barcelona next summer. These classes take a lot of organising and hard work.. The students need to choose a song, write their own lyrics (in English), create the choreography and film the whole thing (which also includes some ´Powerpoint´work too). They also need to decide where the video will be filmed and what they will wear. The teachers ask me for any input/ideas I have for the video, but the main focus is for me to assist the students in the use of English in their music video. This is important as the lyrics of the song and ´powerpoint´ presentation is completely in English. The teachers and I see this as a great challenge for the students, and Escola Pia as a whole.
I also do separate ´conversa´ classes with ESO and batxillerat students.
The ESO class is after school hours, and used for those students who wish to improve their English speaking and pronunciation. These classes are conversation based.
The structure is the same for the batxillerat students apart from the fact that many of the students are studying for their FCE (Cambridge First Certificate) and the level is a lot higher. In the majority of these lessons, I will ask the students to describe pictures to me from an FCE textbook.
I have adapted well in school, and I am looking forward to the coming months, to see how far the students have come!
By júlia verdaguer, on desembre 23rd, 2011% Escola Pia de Moià is a Primary School that has a conversation assistant for the first time. They sure know how to make the most of this experience, and so does Rob, their CA. Thank you for writing to us and sending so many photos!
Hi, I´m Rob and I´m working as a language assistant in Moia. I´m going to start with Moia. The town is fantastic with exceptionally friendly people, narrow, winding streets, brilliant views, it´s own prehistoric cave system and, best of all, Escola Pia Moia, where I work!
Escola Pia Moia caters for pre primary and primary students. I work with the 3
year olds through to the 12 year olds which makes for a very varied experience. I love the school; the children are very friendly and treat me a bit like a minor celebrity, which is definitely going to my head. The teachers are welcoming and make the effort to talk to me in English, especially in front of the kids when I can´t use my atrocious Catalan. The building itself is fantastic too, full of mysterious doors that contain a whole new rooms I didn´t know about. I only found out the school had a church after I´d been there for two months!
I take the kids for speaking groups and in the pre primary years help the English teacher – Isabel, in class. By the end of the nine months I hope that all of the kids will be comfortable talking to a native English speaker. Quite often the tapes don´t sound like the real thing.