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La Immaculada – St. Vicenç dels Horts

The school La Immaculada, in Sant Vicenç dels Horts, is hosting a Conversation Assistant for the second time this year. Her name is Meghan and she comes from The United States. She helps pupils from 3 to 12 years old and all of them really enjoy their time with her. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!
Here are some thoughts from Meghan about her experience in Sant Vicenç dels Horts so far:



meghan1My name is Meghan. I am 27 years old, and I made the decision to move from Atlanta to Sant Vicenç dels Horts in late January 2015. I recently developed an interest in education, and I have always had a thirst for traveling. It is not easy to move halfway across the world to a country where you do not know anyone and you do not speak the language(s), but I have been welcomed with open arms. I am so happy that I took the leap and decided to come, because it has been a positive and life changing experience.

I am living with a host family about five minutes away from the school. They have been nothing but kind to me and have really introduced me to the Spanish/Catalonian culture. They have taken me on day trips, cooked delicious paella and calçots, informed me about interesting holidays such as Sant Jordi and Carnaval, and much more! I am helping them practice their English and they are helping me with my Spanish (the program has also provided me with a free online Spanish course, which has been very helpful).

meghan2At school, I teach English to children ages three to twelve. I have time to work with small groups of students, and I plan various activities and lessons (PowerPoints, games, worksheets, creative projects, etc.) to reinforce the English they are learning in the classroom. I technically work 25 hours per week, but I tend to spend a few extra hours per week planning lessons because I am very passionate about improving children´s education. The children are always enthusiastic, and that makes it easy for me to be excited about going to class every day.

I have also had the opportunity to teach them about my culture. I have informed my students about everything from the Coca Cola Museum to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Atlanta. I also participate in Bulgarian traditions and customs because my boyfriend is Bulgarian, so I have been able to share that culture with the students and teachers as well. For instance, there is a holiday in Bulgaria called Baba Marta, which celebrates the coming of Spring in March. I prepared a PowerPoint and then the students and I created the traditional ¨martenitsa¨ (a type of bracelet) that they would later wear for good luck.

mehgan3Time here has passed quickly. I have received endless support from my host family, my tutor, the teachers, and my news friends here. I have gained valuable experience as a teacher. I have been immersed in a different culture. I can safely say that although I miss my family and friends back in Atlanta, I will not be ready to leave in June, and I might try to find a way to come back because I have fallen in love with Spain.

La Immaculada – St. Vicenç dels Horts

We thank Amy & her tutor, Marta, for writing to us!


The school La Immaculada, in Sant Vicenç dels Horts, is hosting a Conversation Assistant for the first time this year. Her name is Amy and she comes from The United States. She helps pupils from 3 to 12 years old and all of them really enjoy their time with her. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

Here are some thoughts from Amy about her experience in Sant Vicenç dels Horts so far:

   Hello! My name is Amy and I am a Conversational Assistant at Col•legi La Immaculada, aamy1 primary school in Sant Vincenç dels Horts. I started the program in late January and cannot put into words how truly amazing and beneficial this experience has been for me. As a 22 year-old from Los Angeles California, I had never traveled outside The United States before, much less to a country that spoke a different language. It is safe to say that the last 5 months have been the most challenging and best months of my life.

Having graduated from my university last May, I really wanted to get more experience in the teaching field and have always felt that learning from different cultures is both valuable and important. CAPS is the perfect package because I am able to get more experience in the classroom, as well as the extra bonus of learning about a different culture.

From the very first day, La Immaculada  welcomed me with warm “Hellos!” from both the students and teachers. I found it surprisingly easy to communicate with the children, despite speaking a different language. The children take English classes as well as a conversationally based English class called “Talk.” With these classes, I work with small groups of 4-6 children practice pronunciation, grammar and word usage by playing games, singing songs, or just simply having a conversation. I also teach science and art classes in English so that the students can be accustomed to listening to a native English speaker.  In the Infantil classes, I primarily teach English through songs, stories and by leading their daily routines.

amy2I have also had the opportunity to do some fun activities that tie language, culture, and learning together. One of these activities was a cooking workshop where I taught the students how to make American rice crispy treats. The children learned about the different ingredients, utensils and instructions in English during class, and then were able to actually make them with their parents at school. It was enjoyable and delicious!

The one thing that I was nervous about was living with host families. My first host family spoke a little English, which made my first month easier to get acclimated. The family I live with now has three small children and do not speak English. Because of this, I have been able to learn so much Spanish in a very short amount of time. At first, it was difficult because not only did I not know much Spanish, but I also had zero confidence speaking it. But now, whether it’s the car ride to school or at the dinner table, I am constantly practicing. Another benefit of  living with a host family is that I have had the opportunity to learn about Catalan culture and traditions. 5 months ago, these families were strangers who I could not even understand. Now, I am dreading the day I have to leave them!

This experience has given me more than just an opportunity to improve in teaching; it has given me friends and family who I will always be connected to, even though they live in another part of the world.