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Maristes Igualada

As the schoolyear is coming to an end, Maristes Igualada want to share the thoughts of one of their conversation assistants, Camila. Thanks!


My name is Camila Pulido and I have been working in Maristes Igualada since October 2012.  From the start I felt very welcome by the friendly staff members and my tutor has been there for me from the start.  I couldn´t have asked for a better school or tutor. I have also been able to work with all age groups in the school (ages 2-15).  With the younger students I just assist the teacher in the classroom and read the children stories, play games and work on English activities with them.




With the older students I take 4-6 students at a time, I bring reading material (usually it´s a short reading passage), then I bring in questions related to the reading material to get a nice conversation going.  I also have debates, vocabulary games and grammar activities.  Because of the different age groups and the difference between the work I do with them, I´m never bored.  I like this experience and I´m grateful I was given the chance to participate in it.

