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Padre Damián Sagrados Corazones

Padre Damián Sagrados Corazones, in Barcelona, is one of the veteran schools in the PAC. They have hosted many conversation assistants, you can read all about them in their Multilingual Blog!

And now, let’s hear what their three newest conversation assistants thought during their first days in the school:

Hi guys! We are the new conversation assistants; Jonathan, Danny and Megan! We have the pleasure of taking over from the girls and after our first week we have already been made to feel very comfortable by the staff and the students. We were taken aback by the warm and excitable welcome we received from the students, which seems to be on-going as we are yet to introduce ourselves to all the classes. We have been impressed by the level of English that many students have and we plan helping them build on this knowledge through our own enthusiasm to converse. There is a positive attitude to learning English at Padre Damian SSCC which has added to the great working environment we have come across. We plan on making our classes as fun as possible while speaking as much English as we can. Thank you for the opportunity, we can’t wait to see what the next few months have in store for us.

Padre Damián Sagrados Corazones (Barcelona)

“I am really enjoying my experience as a Conversation Assistant so far! I was greeted with a very warm welcome at the airport by Raquel (the home to home co-ordinator), Carmen (the English tutor from the school) and of course my host family.

I could not have asked for a nicer host family, they have made me so welcome into their home and always include me in their family arrangements. I feel like a member of the family now!

Carmen had been extremely helpful, giving us a guided tour of the school on the first day and introducing us to the other teachers, who are also very friendly and keen to help us if we have any doubts about anything.

The students at the school are very polite and welcoming, and so enthusiastic to improve their English!”

Conversation Assistant: Laura McGarvey