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Easter Egg Hunt and prepositions

If you go back home for the Easter Holidays, try to take photos of the Easter Egg Hunt and bring them to your school when you return, to show them to your students. The colorful egg hunt is an unknown tradition here and they will surely enjoy your explanation!
And maybe, after explaning the tradition, you and your students can practise the use of prepositions using these colorful flashcards.
Happy Easter Holidays!

Resources and ideas I

This is the first post of a series aimed to give both Conversation Assistants and their tutors some resources where they can get ideas on what the Assistant can do in the classroom.

One interesting source is the BBC and British Council website TeachingEnglish. There you will find teaching and training materials, activities and ideas for your teaching; as well as a forum to discuss exchange ideas and share materials.

First of all, you can visit the great Language Assistant section. With lots of ideas, activities and games for all ages and levels, and tricks and tips to be a great Conversation Assistant!

If you need even more ideas:

  • Ideas for many activities to practice speaking, vocabulary or pronunciation, amongst others, submitted by other teachers.
  • In the section “Lesson Planning“, you will find a range of topics to discuss with students of different levels.
  • If you want to use texts and literature, there is a lot of material in BritLit. It is divided in three levels: Primary Level, Sencondary and Younger teens.
  • Finally, if you are working with young children, don’t forget to take a look at Teaching Kids:  a whole section dedicated to people who teach English to children! There are lots of activities to do with the kids and also lots of material that you can use both online or printed in the classroom.

Stay tuned for more ideas and links!

The PAC team