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By júlia verdaguer, on gener 15th, 2015 Over the last few months I’ve been living near Barcelona, Spain, in the small town of Olesa de Montserrat, where I also work at the Escolapies School as the English speaking assistant through the CAPS Home to Home organization.
The experience so far has been great, I’ve lived in 2 homes already. The first was the home of 4 of my students. This immersed me in the culture and language of the country as well as the more mundane day to day living. The greatest aspect of this was being able to communicate with my students on their opinion of my classes and gain feedback. The second house, and my current home, is the house of another teacher whom I work with and her family. It’s been a rewarding experience, once again being immersed in the same culture from a different point of view, the most important aspect of this was to have another teacher to consult with regularly, someone who was in the same profession as I was, however someone who was more experienced and new the inner workings of the school.
The job itself has been so rewarding to improve on my teaching techniques and knowledge of the mechanics. The school is run perfectly. I notice it’s a very rigid studious school environment, however Escolapies also takes a very artistic liberalized approach to its teaching very similar to the Montessori schools and their teaching philosophy.
My only words of advice for a family who wishes to host a language assistant is that it helps to have at the very least a basic understanding of English as it can be trying when a language barrier exists. It’s also noteworthy that in northern Spain other languages exist alongside Spanish this includes Basque, Catalan, and Gallego and even though they’re relatively similar and all have Latin origin it can still confuse you if you come to northern Spain (Barcelona area) expecting a total Spanish environment like Madrid and its surrounding area.
In a couple of weeks I move to my new host family. Everything has been great so far and I’d recommend it to anyone who wants the experience of a lifetime.
By júlia verdaguer, on desembre 22nd, 2014 Hello,
My name is Michael, I’m 22 and I travelled from New Zealand to take part in the 2014-2015 CAPS programme.
For me the decision to come was an important one. Firstly, Spain and Catalonia is on the otherside of the world, and I spoke no Catalan or Spanish. Secondly it would be my first time this far away from and by myself. I was a little nervous to say the least. Regardless, I decided to take part and almost two days after leaving New Zealand I arrived in Barcelona ready to start the next nine months.
I was placed in a smallish town called La Garriga, which is about half an hour by car from Barcelona. The school, Sant Lluis, is small. There are only around 420 students and I am active in every class, from age three through to age sixteen. Most of my time is spent encouraging the older kids to speak English and to help build their confidence through friendly conversation and activities. In the primary school I help alongside a teacher working to build their vocabulary and getting them speak basic, but common, phrases. In the pre school my time is spent playing in the playground, helping the kids with their art projects or telling stories to the children.
I eat lunch at the school with the students and the teachers. The food is great, healthy and hearty, and there is always plenty to go around. The teachers at the school have been awesome to me too. If they are not helping me with my Spanish, they are introducing me to past students my age, or offering to take me out for the day or the weekend to places around Catalonia. Because of its size the school feels like a community and everyone is part of its family. Its nice to be welcomed into that as I have been.
The thought of living with strangers, a family with young children, was quite alien to me – I have been flatting with friends for the last five years. However my family have made the transition easy. The parents both speak English very well, and have been more than happy to introduce me to people, places, food and experiences. They have three children, aged 11, 8 and 5 who all attend Sant Lluis. So far I have been able to travel all around Catalonia with them.
During the week I spend most of the day at school and in the evening I teach private classes, where I have one on one conversations with children, parents and even the teachers. Every one has been very welcoming inviting me into their homes and lives. Extra teaching has been very lucrative for me, and is a great supplement to the 200€ a month. I’m saving enough to enable me to travel around Europe after the school year finishes.
Finally, I was initially very nervous about the language difference, however I have been able to get by just fine with my very basic knowledge of Spanish and Catalan.
If anyone is thinking of travelling from down under but nervous about the distance I would suggest that they do it. Its a great experience and really life changing. The team at Home to Home have been friendly and helpful in organising the experience and everyone I have met since has helped me enjoy my experience more.
By júlia verdaguer, on desembre 17th, 2014 Here is our third blog submission, coming from La Salle Comtal school in Barcelona. There, Joseph, who comes from the USA, helps pupils from Infant to Secondary school improve their English. Pupils, teachers, and Joseph are all making the most of this experience. We thank Joseph for sharing his thoughts with us!
Joseph Jackson
December 9th, 2014
An American In Barcelona
When I first stepped foot onto a plane in Miami, Florida knowing that it would be the last time I’d be in the United States for a year, a cloud of uncertainty surrounded me. America was all I’ve ever known for my 23 years of life, and leaving home was equivalent to moving to Mars for me. Thankfully the staff, families, and students at La Salle Comtal have eased my concerns and I’m happy to say I feel at home in Barcelona and at La Salle Comtal.
My name is Joseph Jackson, I’m 23 years old from Atlanta, Georgia and I’m serving as the conversation assistant at La Salle Comtal for the 2014-2015 school year. Atlanta is a city located in the peach state, Georgia, and is your stereotypical American metropolitan area. The home of Coca-Cola, the 1996 Olympic Games, the great Ray Charles, and myself, Georgia is a southern state with charm and the well-known hospitality of the southern portion of the United States. I study political science and Spanish at Georgia Southern University and was the vice-president of a political organization on our campus. In my free time I enjoy playing sports, playing the guitar, listening to music, and meeting new people from different walks of life.
My experience at La Salle Comtal has been all that I wanted and more. Jose Luis, my tutor, has been excellent at aiding me with withever I need and creating a schedule to implement me seamlessly into the classes here at school. All of the staff have been very accomodating, friendly, and patient in dealing with my horrendous Spanish accent and American English accent that differs from what they’re used to hearing. The students are full of life and do something new every day that brings a smile to my face. Whether it’s being attacked by a gang of 1st of primary students, or enjoying physical education in English with the 4th of ESO students, everyone has been friendly and happy to accept me as part of the family here at La Salle Comtal. In my apartment back home in Georgia I proudly hang an American flag on my wall. When I return I’ll have the flags of my two homes on my apartment wall, the American flag and the flag of Catalunya. I’d like to thank La Salle Comtal for having me here this year and am looking forward to enjoying 2015 here in Catalunya. Thank you all!
By júlia verdaguer, on desembre 10th, 2014 From Col·legi St Ermengol, in Andorra la Vella, we are proud to introduce you to our language assistant, Chris. This is the first time we have joined the” Programa Auxiliar de Conversa” and we are really grateful for his help and assistance. Teachers and students are both enjoying the experience to have a native speaker at school. This is an article written by Chris. Enjoy!!!
I arrived in Andorra with sore feet and a thin wallet. I’d spent a couple years bouncing around the globe, making ends meet with odd jobs and volunteer work, looking for something to catch and hold me, something that could keep my attention for more than the usual few weeks it took to decide to move on. Always just another backpacker. Canada, America, and Mexico flashed before my eyes, filled my brain with snatches of small moments: conversations with strangers on busy street corners; bizarre meetings in quiet places; crisp early mornings that gradually melted into warm handshakes and tearful hugs. An expiry date had been stamped on my work visa in red, and the ominous sequence of numbers and dashes had grown bigger and bigger until it seemed that my passport would explode out of my pocket.
In the end I had nothing but a homeward-bound ticket to fill my empty hands.
But home wasn’t the same any more. Or maybe I was different. I flew to Sweden and killed time working as an assistant to a carpenter. Cold weather comes to Sweden in August; I chose to chase summer instead. I blinked and watched as Denmark, Germany, Czech Republic, and Austria passed me by. Italy was still warm in late September. I spent a week idling in the mountains near Florence until I was offered a place to teach English in Andorra. I wanted a job for winter, but I was too used to being a loose end . Days were spent agonising over whether to accept, nights haunted by dark visions of draconian uniform codes, nails scraping against chalkboards, chairs crashing against tables, and the staring eyes of children.
Eventually I accepted, and a few weeks later I stood in the doorway of my host family’s house, trying to make good impression in my worn out clothes. “I think you’ll be comfortable here,” the father said as he showed me around the house. He showed me my huge bed, my en-suite bathroom, my balcony that looked over the entire city. A penthouse suite in a mountain palace. A month before I’d shared the same square footage with six people. The family treated me with impeccable hospitality and good manners, and I tried to respond in kind. That first night I gazed through my window at the lights of Andorra far down in the valley, trying to shake the impression that I was in an aeroplane during lift-off, gazing at the winking lights with falling eye-lids, until finally I drifted to sleep.
On my first day at school I realised that there are ways to educate children that differ from the British system. There was no school uniform here, no “Sir” and “Miss”, no standing up when a teacher walked into the room. Young children were allowed to hug and hold the hands of their teachers, and all the students addressed teachers by their first names. At lunchtime, wine and beer was provided for free to the teachers and they spoke noisily across their three course meals. As I toured the classrooms I was surprised by the excitement of the children. Everyone knew my name and it followed me in a cacophony of smiling shouts in the corridors. Almost every moment brought a new friendly greeting to crack an unsuppressed grin across my face. The welcome from the other teachers was equal in enthusiasm. I had never known such heady heights of social validation, and all for nothing more than speaking my mother tongue.
I began my first lessons nervously, standing in front of the pupils with little idea how to gain their attention and obedience – until I realised that they would listen to me simply because I was a novelty. Teaching is a performance of confidence and the only rule given to me was that the pupils should speak English. Actually, they don’t have a choice. It’s the only language I know. I, on the other hand, have a lot of control over the classes I deliver, and I transform them as often as possible into lessons of drama, art, or music. I have a lot of fun and learn new things every day.
I’m a couple months in, now, and for me the novelty still hasn’t worn off. Each morning I wake up excited to return to school – a stark contrast to the sleepy slog of my own school-going days. The support I receive from my host family and English teachers is phenomenal, and I find it difficult to believe I am being paid to live a life of such varied pleasures. Not just another backpacker. No need to move along. Settled for a while, and I hope when I leave, it’ll be with hands full. New skills, good friends, and fine memories.
By júlia verdaguer, on desembre 5th, 2014 Here we have the first blog submission for this school year 2014-15, coming straight from Col·legi Doctor Masmitjà in Girona!
This Infant and Primary school in Girona has been in the Conversation Assistants Programme since its beginnings in 2009. This year they are hosting Erin. She comes from the state of New York, USA, and will be staying in Girona for 9 moths.
We thank Erin and her tutor, Enric, for sharing their experience with us!
I could write an entire book about my positive experiences here in Catalunya. To say that I am thankful for being placed here in Girona is an understatement. The culture of Doctor Masmitjà is one that I am so blessed to be a part of: kind students that are eager to learn new things, as well as friendly and optimistic teachers that made me feel immedidately comfortable upon my arrival in September. It is obvious that they are making an effort as many of them choose to speak English with me throughout the day!

My new family members did the exact same. They have welcomed me with open arms and include me in all of their daily activites. We often cook for each other and share new recipes, hike in the mountains, and swim in the sea (when it is warm enough)! When I am at the school Monday-Friday I truly enjoy my hours spent there. I am lucky enough to work with ages three all the way to twelve so each day is an exciting mix! The English teachers that I work directly with every day include me to the fullest in the classroom. Sometimes I even have the opportunity to participate in the school´s excursions including to a dormant volcano! When I am not at the school I enjoy teaching English privately as well as exploring the unique beauty Girona offers with friends.

By júlia verdaguer, on octubre 1st, 2014 Divendres, 26 de setembre, 8:00 del matí, Aeroport del Prat. L’equip del Programa Auxiliars de Conversa de la FECC i l’equip de CAPS de Home to Home donem la benvinguda als primers auxiliars de conversa, que arriben de Canadà i Estats Units. A les 9:30 surt des de l’aeroport, amb un grup de 30 auxiliars, el primer autocar cap a la Residència Salesiana Martí Codolar. Hi ha auxiliars que no tornaran a casa fins al juny, així que l’autocar va ple de maletes -gegants!- a vessar.

A Martí Codolar, els auxiliars són rebuts per membres de l’organització, i poden anar a les habitacions a descansar una estona. Mentrestant, a l’Aeroport del Prat, segueixen arribant auxiliars…a totes les terminals alhora! A cada porta de sortida hi ha un membre de l’organització que els dóna la benvinguda i els va acompanyant al punt de trobada i, més tard, a l’autocar que els portarà cap a la residència. Cap al migdia ja han arribat auxiliars d’Anglaterra, Estats Units, Canadà, Irlanda, Nova Zelanda i Singapur.
Tots els auxiliars que han anat arribant al llarg del matí i migdia a Martí Codolar dinen plegats, i després passen la tarda i vespre fent dinàmiques de grup amb l’equip de Home to Home. Fan activitats per conèixer-se entre ells, per conèixer coses de Catalunya i jocs que després podran fer a classe amb els alumnes.

A les 22:00 arriba el darrer autocar des de l’aeroport. Els 156 auxiliars de conversa han arribat en un total de més de 90 vols, i finalment ja són tots a la Residència. Sopen plegats i passen l’estona de després de sopar als jardins de la residència, parlant i coneixent-se, i poc després de la mitjanit ja són tots a dormir, perquè l’endemà s’han de llevar ben d’hora!

Dissabte al matí a les 8:00 els auxiliars esmorzen plegats al menjador. Després, a l’aula magna, cadascun dels auxiliars és obsequiat amb un diccionari de Castellà – Anglès per gentilesa de Cambridge University Press. Juanjo Fernández de la FECC els explica el sistema educatiu català i els parla de les Escoles Cristianes. La professora de Padre Damián Sagrados Corazones, Carme Santiago, els parla de com ser uns bons auxiliars de conversa a les escoles, i Sonia Jalle, professora del Jesús Maria de Sant Andreu, sobre com ser el millor hoste a casa de les famílies acollidores.

Un cop acabada la sessió de formació, comencen a arribar les primeres famílies acollidores a buscar els auxiliars de conversa. En molts casos no cal ni que els anem a buscar, perquè ja es reconeixen uns als altres per haver-se comunicat per correu electrònic. Els auxiliars de conversa i famílies acollidores van marxant cap a casa, a les províncies de Lleida, Girona, Tarragona i Barcelona, i també cap a Andorra!

Esperem que tant per als alumnes d’aquestes més de 120 escoles cristianes, com per a les famílies acollidores, com per als auxiliars de conversa, aquesta sigui una experiència molt profitosa!
By júlia verdaguer, on setembre 9th, 2014 Com bé sabeu, ja falten pocs dies perquè arribin els primers auxiliars de conversa a les escoles i a les de les vostres famílies acollidores.
Aquestes famílies que, generosament, acullen els auxiliars de conversa són un pilar fonamental per al programa. Potser les famílies interessades de la vostra escola no van tenir ocasió de venir a la reunió informativa que vam realitzar abans de l’estiu, o encara no s’havien plantejat ser família acollidora. Per això, sabent l’esforç que feu des de l’escola per poder trobar aquestes famílies, des de l’organització del Programa Auxiliars de Conversa hem convocat una altra sessió informativa adreçada a les famílies acollidores, el proper dijous 18 de setembre a les 18:30 a l’Escola Pia Balmes de Barcelona (c. Balmes 208, Barcelona)
En aquesta reunió, tan propera a la data d’arribada dels auxiliars, parlarem de què suposa acollir un auxiliar de conversa a casa, com podem facilitar la seva integració a la família i al nostre país i, és clar, donarem resposta a totes les preguntes que pugueu plantejar-nos. Pot ser molt útil tant per a les famílies de la vostra escola que ja s’han compromès a acollir l’auxiliar i volen resoldre algun dubte que els pugui quedar, com per aquelles que potser volen acollir l’auxiliar durant el segon o tercer trimestre.
Aquelles escoles que encara no hagueu trobat famílies acollidores, podeu animar a les famílies indecises del vostre centre a venir, pot ser una molt bona oportunitat perquè acabin de decidir-se!
Si us plau, us demanem que ens confirmeu l’assistència per correu electrònic a l’adreça pac@escolacristiana.org, indicant quantes persones vindreu.
By júlia verdaguer, on juny 27th, 2014 Even though the students are already on holidays, teachers are still working! Irene, Carme and Sílvia, three English teachers from FEDAC Sant Vicenç, have written to us to share their school’s experience with their Conversation Assistant, Warren.
Thanks a lot!

It’s the 1st year that FEDAC Sant Vicenç is hosting a Conversation Assistant. Warren, from UK, arrived at our school in January.
Warren works with 3-16 years old doing different activities according to the level of students. He teaches the youngest classes with games, learning lots of new words.
With primary students he usually takes small group of students to another room to practice speaking activities: games, role plays, questions and answers, drawing stories,…
As for as Secondary Education is concerned, the conversation assistant has helped the English teachers in many ways. On the first sessions, he remained in class, reading texts out loud so that the students became familiar with his pronunciation and intonation. On the following sessions, groups of 4-5 students were sent away with him, and they practised oral skills, making rhymes with words, learning new vocabulary and singing songs as well as watching films. Sometimes those groups were larger, up to 12 students for about 25-30 minutes.
It’s been a positive experience for both, the school and the students, who have both made effort to speak English with the conversation assistant, not only in class, but also with the school building, when playing sport in the playground as well as eating lunch in the school canteen.
By júlia verdaguer, on juny 20th, 2014 New blog submission from FEDAC Ripollet!
The Conversation Assistants finish their tasks at all their schools today. We hope everyone has made the most of this experience.

Patxi is a nineteen year-old boy who has spent six months with us. In December, he started to work in our school as a conversation assistant, with children who are 3 to 12 years old.
He came to Spain because he wanted to practise Spanish and Catalan so, he was born in Girona and was living there till the age of 10.
Patxi´s work consisted on taking small groups of boys and girls and practising English with them. Sometimes he stayed in the classroom with the teacher and talked about any topic: a unit of science, England or one of his experiences. The result of having a conversation assistant is that our students have improved their speaking and listening skills a lot.
Patxi is loved by eveyone in the school, not only by the children. The teachers are really happy to work with him. He is very enthusiastic, he wants to do his work the best he can and wants to participate in all the celebrations and activities organized at school.
Along these months, we have noticed that he enjoys working with children. Every morning he arrives at work with a huge smile. It is very nice to work with him.
Montse Barros (English Teacher)
I arrived at my placement during the beginning of December.
I was given information about the School and the Governing Body that owns it, as well as more information about other FEDACs around Spain and the World. This allowed me to research a bit more about their curriculum and what kind of work they did, so as to get a better picture of how I could help. Getting to know the school wasn’t hard; a small five floor building/church which was originally inhabited by nuns. The teachers were very friendly and welcoming, and very soon I was settled in and ready to teach.
During my time in the school I have been given support from the English Teacher, be it support with teaching ideas/materials or simple support from all the teachers about my residing town and the possible activities to do.
I was invited to several of the dinners organised by the teachers, and I was also given the opportunity to go with the school on the Colonies (camping) which allowed me to further develop my skills working with children. It was also great fun!
By júlia verdaguer, on juny 17th, 2014 Vedruna Artés has joined the Programa Auxiliars de Conversa for the first time this year. They are hosting Josh, who comes from the UK. He and his tutor Imma have written to us to tell us a little about this new experience for both of them. Thanks a lot!!
We, at Vedruna Artés school, have had the chance of having our first conversation assistant ever. He’s Josh Hall. He joined the school team in January. He is a young, active man with loads of adventures in mind. He came directly from his native land, Cornwall, in the south- west England, to Barcelona; bringing with him his great passion: Running. He used to compete and he plans to go into competitions again in the near future. At the moment, he is planning to keep on travelling the world after his days in Artés. His next stop? Vietnam, the south of Asia, Australia and who knows what next. He feels good here but he is also very enthusiastic about seeing the world and undergoing the most fascinating adventures the world can offer. All the members of the school are enjoying his company and lessons. We can not wait for his postcards from around the world.
And now, Josh:
After I finished college with my qualifications in engineering/operating and an athletics ambition in the pipe works I decided to try something new with teaching, believing that teaching would allow me to travel the world whilst gaining great knowledge from different cultures, I picked up a TEFL qualification and went from there.
Apart from this the experience is allowing me to travel around the world. It also enables me to gain an understanding of the different cultures and see life from a different angle.
In general my time here in Spain has been a varied one full of different experiences which will stand me in good stead for the future.
I started school here worried about living with a host family after being independent outside of family life for so long and as to what to expect from the program and whether I would like it or not.
However, from day one I instantly felt like I should belong here and never felt more welcome. I have had 2 host families during my stay here and despite having the usual time to settle in an environment that you’re not used to I felt at home (even if the family need to make sure I’m safe every 5 minutes).
I have been put out of my comfort zone having never been in an education environment before and this presented many challenges that I didn’t think I would overcome in less than 6 months!!
 Peace Day
The most interesting for me is the Spanish culture, food and traditions!! Paella, Calçots, Sangria and the Mediterranean diet to name just a few.
The family I feel like I could go to for any problem no matter what it might be which made me feel more reassured about the stay in Spain.
Before arriving here I was nervous about only knowing a small amount of Spanish and having such a small understanding of the Spanish language questions started to arise …”How are you going to understand what they are saying”, “How are you going to get your point across”,
These are all the questions I used to hear at the start and the questions I used to debate with myself before arrival.
But as soon as I arrived at the school, seen the teachers and seen the students my attitude changed fast…
Having the right attitude and energy (sometimes being crazy silly) made the young learners for the most part easy to work with and easy to teach.
Also the program has opened up options to teach in private academies to supplement income whilst also gaining even more experience in my case 8-50 year olds which I found in the 1st couple of weeks which made the stay a lot easier and a lot more comfortable for me financially especially when you consider the lack of expenses.
 Multilingual Day
One of the highlights from the caps course for me was when I arrived in Barcelona and had a whole team of people from opposite ends of the world all with unique cultures and differences and speaking with them about what lies ahead. I still keep in contact with these people even if it is sometimes more difficult to see them if there further away from where I am or Barcelona.
I have been living in a small town called Artés; the town is only 50 miles from Barcelona and I have been working in the school which is called Vedruna, just a 5 minute walk from my house. I work with pupils aged from 4-16 year old and was like a big family. From the first day, I felt like part of a team!
I have now been here almost 6 months and still can’t walk around the school without students attempting there best English greetings with smiles bigger than dinner plates!!!
The school I work at is small thus enabling you to get a real connection with the students which may not be so easy with a bigger school, so this was a huge bonus and something that made the experience so much more special.
The students here are full of energy at all times and are always willing to make your day!
I have been taking small groups of students from the class to do some conversational classes.