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Sessions informatives PAC

Què cal per acollir un Auxiliar? Com ens hi entendrem? Com serà la vida de cada dia (menjar, roba, dormir, transport…)? I els caps de setmana? L’hem d’acompanyar a tot arreu? I a l’escola, què ha de fer el tutor de l’Auxiliar? Què pot fer un auxiliar? Com hem d’organitzar la seva estada? Com podem facilitar la seva integració? Quin suport tenim de l’organització?

Aquestes són algunes de les preguntes més freqüents que es fan les escoles i les famílies acollidores sobre el Programa Auxiliars de Conversa. Per tal de resoldre aquests i altres dubtes, des de l’organització del PAC hem convocat quatre sessions informatives obertes a tothom: famílies acollidores, famílies interessades, direccions i mestres d’escola, etc. En aquestes reunions parlarem de què suposa acollir un auxiliar de conversa a casa, com podem facilitar la seva integració a la família i al nostre país i donarem algunes pautes i recursos sobre com facilitar l’adaptació de l’Auxiliar de Conversa a l’escola i a les seves tasques i treure el màxim profit de la seva estada. També donarem, és clar, resposta a totes les preguntes que pugueu plantejar-nos.

Les sessions informatives programades són les següents:

Dimecres 8 de maig | 17:30h
Escola Vedruna-Sagrat Cor
Santa Joaquima Vedruna, 10
Dilluns 13 de maig | 17:30h
Escola Maristes Girona

Josep Tarradellas, 5-7
Dimecres 15 de maig | 18:00h
Escola Pia Balmes

Balmes, 208
Dilluns 27 de maig | 17:30h
Escola Lestonnac-L’Ensenyança

Prat de la Riba, 38

Podeu descarregar-vos un model de circular i un cartell per a promocionar les sessions en els següents enllaços:

Model circular PDF
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Cartell PDF
Cartell word

Us animem a fer-ne difusió entre les famílies de les vostres escoles, i també us animem a venir a les sessions informatives, tant les escoles que voleu participar per primera vegada al PAC com les que ja heu tingut Auxiliars de Conversa els darrers anys.

Les sessions tenen caràcter informatiu. Per tant, l’assistència no implica cap compromís d’acollida posterior d’un Auxiliar de Conversa. Per facilitar la nostra organització, us preguem que confirmeu la vostra assistència al correu, indicant a quina de les sessions assistireu i quantes persones vindreu.

Recordeu-vos també de consultar les novetats del Programa per al curs 2013-14!

Novetats PAC 2013-14

Novetats del Programa Auxiliars de Conversa per al curs 2013-14

1. Aquest curs oferim la possibilitat de demanar auxiliars de conversa de llengua anglesa i també de llengua francesa.

2. Els Auxiliars de Conversa són nois i noies que s’inscriuen voluntàriament en aquest programa després de conèixer les condicions en què es desenvolupa, que se’ls expliquen en el seu país d’origen. Saben que no vénen de vacances ni tampoc a treballar, i per això reben una beca mensual, ja que el seu allotjament i manutenció estan coberts per les famílies acollidores i les escoles.

Amb la voluntat de millora de les condicions d’estada dels Auxiliars, aquesta assignació (que no ha de ser entesa com un sou), enguany serà de 200 euros mensuals.

Aquest increment de 50 euros s’ha repartit incrementant la quota de les escoles en 25 euros mensuals i assumint l’organització els altres 25 euros. La quota del PAC queda, doncs, en 475 euros mensuals d’octubre a juny.

Ja teniu a la vostra disposició els fulls de sol·licitud d’Auxiliars de Conversa per al curs 2013-2014. Per sol·licitar un Auxiliar, heu de fer arribar el full emplenat, signat i segellat amb el segell de l’escola a o per fax al 93 342 65 46.

Si teniu cap pregunta o consulta, no dubteu a contactar-nos a o al 93 302 70 13.

Col·legi Claver – Raimat

Col·legi Claver has been in the PAC for three years. They are currently hosting two conversation assistants: Laura and Douglas. Today we are sharing Laura’s experience. Don’t miss Douglas’ text (and video!) in a few days! Thanks Laura and Blanca, her tutor, for sharing this with all of us!


Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

It was one of my grandmother’s most frequently said clichés that time goes quicker with each year. Having reached the halfway point of my year as a Conversation Assistant at Claver, I think it is also one of the truest. It seems impossible that I have spent 5 months here already and even more impossible that I have only have 4 left.

Having just changed my host family, now seems an excellent halfway point to reflect on my experiences here thus far. I absolutely adored living with my first family, even though living with children was something entirely new to me! They were nothing short of fantastic and completely included me as part of their family, for which I am very grateful. Having only been with my second host family for two weeks I am happy to report I am finding them, whilst very different as a family, equally warm, hospitable and inclusive. The families have provided me with a vital support network for working and living away from home in a different country and culture.

Working at Claver is different every day. This is inevitable when working with children, but my job here in general guarantees an exciting and often unpredictable experience. I work with P5, 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th of Primary which provides a wide spectrum of pupils and personalities! With the younger students (P5, 1st and 2nd) I am usually in the classroom with the teacher, helping the children with their English vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation. Sometimes I take several students at a time outside of the classroom, either to help them if they are struggling or to give them more challenging tasks in the case of the most able. Given my extremely limited Catalan/Spanish language skills this can be a real challenge, but results in an impressive effort to speak in more fluent English by the students.

With my 5th and 6th level English classes I lead small groups (of around 4-7 pupils) outside of the main classroom. I am endlessly impressed by the effort and enthusiasm that the children display. Their English ability is much more advanced than I expected it would be when I arrived. A result, I’m sure, of Claver’s policy of immersion in language-learning from a young age. I also assist in the delivery of Science and Physical Education, both of which are taught in English. The fact that pupils are able to take their science exams in English astounds me. I barely understood my science lessons at school, I don’t know how I would have coped if it had been taught in another language!  Schools in the UK could definitely benefit from taking a similar approach to foreign languages.

The classes I initially struggled most with were the other subjects taught in English. I had no idea how to use English to teach sports! After a few initial trials and errors, I have settled in and the children are fantastically enthusiastic and responsive. It is in these lessons especially that I’ve noticed how eager the students are to help each other and, despite the inevitable occasional crossed wires, everyone figures out what needs to be done and gets on with it.

I cannot really sum up my feelings on working at Claver and living in Lleida without repeating myself. The school environment is such a welcoming and inclusive one and really serves its students well. This is one of the best opportunities that I have been given and I am so glad I took it. I feel as though I am learning as much as my students are through my experiences here. Though, admittedly, not much Catalan or Spanish!

Col·legi Mare Janer – Andorra

Col·legi Mare Janer is a school located in Santa Coloma, Andorra. It is their first year in the PAC, and Sam, their conversation assistant, is the first PAC in the Principality. We thank Sam and his tutor Esther for sharing their experience and these great photos!


I am currently working in the principality of Andorra, the first Conversation Assistant to do so with CAPS. Adapting to such an unusual environment, with Andorra being its own minute country, has been a mixture of peaks and troughs. The mountains and its lack of a cosmopolitan attitude can be overbearing. However one factor of the experience that has been a constant peak is the school, the students, its staff and of course the families. Collectively they have made my time here a pleasure, with their support and enthusiasm in all that I do.

I teach both Primary and Secondary levels, with the ages ranging from 7-16. I enjoy aspects of both levels, but the diligence and enthusiasm of the children is perhaps the most humbling. I try to expose the kids to as much material as possible be it English Youth Culture, Music, Literature, T.V or Film. I am currently organising an ´America Workshop´ for the Secondary students. An auxiliary from the Fulbright Program will hopefully present a day of lessons around the United States. This will show to the students the acute differences between the English spoken in the U.K and the English spoken in the U.S.

Having worked as a College Lecturer I was at least familiar already with the classroom environment. However, education is very different culturally here from what I am used to back home in the U.K. I find that students are not encouraged enough to actively engage in language lessons. So I try to incorporate as much role play, performance and practical speaking exercises in my lesson plans as possible. I feel that enticing students out of their comfort zones helps them with confidence, a very important trait needed when learning a second language.  I feel that since October the student’s attitude towards English has radically changed and that hopefully this will continue after I leave.


Nostra Senyora de Montserrat – Olesa de Montserrat

Nostra Senyora de Montserrat is a school located in Olesa de Montserrat. It is their first year in the Conversation Assistants Program, and they are hosting Clark, who comes from Canada. Here are his thoughts on the program! (Click here if you want to see the original PDF they kindly sent).


CAPS Experience Thus Far

It has been four and a half months since my arrival to Olesa de Montserrat, and the experience is turning out to be a great use of my time and energies. A Catalonian landscape to take your breath away, the most part of my lunch breaks begin with a run up the mountains, across the forest, and through the orchards. Raised on the prairies, I am extremely appreciative of this environment. The centuries old town is also foreign to my roots and intriguing.

Of the 331 odd students in my school, I enjoy the challenge of memorizing names and juggling the teaching approaches appropriate for each age group. Interacting with the children from P-3 all the way to ESO 4 also gives me a sense of familiarity with the community as a whole. The encouragement of a student shouting a greeting to me on the street is priceless. This school year here is an incredible immersion of vitality and significance.

With a range in students from 3-16 years of age I am having some widely varied experiences! With the 3, 4, and 5 year-olds there is loud rejoicing accompanying my guitar every time I relive the glory days of Old Macdonald, Singing in the Rain, many other classics, and some new ones, too. With children 6 years-old and up I instruct the classes, normally in thirds, on content related to their subject of study. When the unbridled and intense enthusiasm of youth is harnessed I delight in the endless possibilities.

An appreciated part of work with ESO is the developed vocabulary and conversation skills held by these adolescents. With a hunger to communicate, they are a generous stockpile of ideas. It seems that a twenty year-old Anglophone who understands very little Catalan or Spanish is a great learning incentive. Although they may be older and appear less impressionable than in earlier years, I deny the thought that they are too far gone to discover great new levels of conversing and understanding in English.

Certainly, it is a pride and a privilege to witness a youth discover a new frontier and then surpass it. Never before has this school had an English speaker here as I am, as a result nobody is left out of the excitement. During this dynamic work in progress all the teachers are being gracious and imaginative. May the next half of the program be no less challenging and no less full of growth!

La Salle Mollerussa

La Salle Mollerussa has joined the PAC this year. Their conversation assistant, Ross, works with ESO, Batxillerat and CF students. It seems like everyone is enjoying Ross’s stay with them, including Ross himself, which is fantastic. Thanks a lot for writing 🙂


I was waiting with fellow conversation assistants for our hosts to arrive. As other people were leaving I was becoming increasingly nervous. It was very strange to think that the next year of my life was in the hands of people I had never met, when my name was called and I made my way outside I saw the kindly faces of Nuria, my first host, and Elisabet, my mentor in the school. I relaxed, and was able to start enjoying the experience.

My first trimester with Nuria was a great way to start. She is of a similar age and we got on very well. We were busy on weekends visiting her friends around Catalonia, and though it was exhausting as the first 3 months teaching are particularly tiring I have made, I hope, a good friend in her. I am now with my second family, who have a child in the school, and this offers a different, yet equally enjoyable experience. The food is fantastic (though I never eat enough to satisfy Carmen, the mother), and I have experienced a different Catalonia through living with this family.

My school has been an interesting experience. Before I left, I considered myself rather quiet, and therefore the idea of speaking to a class of children was rather intimidating. The children, however, are kind and enthusiastic so that you quickly overcome your nerves and feel increasingly confident with each successful class you give. Of course, there are some disastrous lessons where things just don’t go well, but it is just a matter of learning what works and doesn’t work; getting to know what the students respond best to.

I work with all students; those from ESO 1 to 4 (year 7-11), Bat 1 and 2 (year 12-13) and some Adult education classes. Each class is different, and the school have given me the flexibility to do as I wish, but they have also given the support if I ever needed help. I tend not use text books, as my lessons usually consist of simple conversation, debates, listening to me speak about something, reading aloud selected texts, writing, using scripts from comedies or songs to practise pronunciation etc. I also teach history to two years, and this has been good way to scratch up on my own history.

Overall, I have been very happy in La Salle Mollerussa, and in Mollerussa. All the teachers have been welcoming, and they have made sure I have been kept busy socially. I constantly meet lovely people in my daily life. My Catalan is progressing slowly, and I would like to stay in Catalonia longer if I can. I recommend the experience to all.