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Col·legi Sagrat Cor d’Amposta

We have received this e-mail from Oonagh Wall, conversational assitant at Col·legi Sagrat Cor in Amposta!

I am currently teaching in Col.legi Sagrat Cor in Amposta. I am enjoying the experience. Everyone is very nice and I get on well with the teachers and the students. I find the work very rewarding and enriching. I am gaining more confidence every day, which for me is very important. I am learning great teaching skills and techniques that will stand for me in my future career as a primary school teacher.

Oonagh with English students

I am staying with an amazing family. They treat me like one of their own so I am very lucky in that respect. I even went to a Spanish wedding last weekend! I am enjoying the Spanish way of life and have adapted quite quickly to their customs. I especially enjoy the Spanish food and love going for tapas!

All in all, I am happy to be here and I would recommend this experience to anyone!

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