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By júlia verdaguer, on abril 22nd, 2013% Novetats del Programa Auxiliars de Conversa per al curs 2013-14
1. Aquest curs oferim la possibilitat de demanar auxiliars de conversa de llengua anglesa i també de llengua francesa.
2. Els Auxiliars de Conversa són nois i noies que s’inscriuen voluntàriament en aquest programa després de conèixer les condicions en què es desenvolupa, que se’ls expliquen en el seu país d’origen. Saben que no vénen de vacances ni tampoc a treballar, i per això reben una beca mensual, ja que el seu allotjament i manutenció estan coberts per les famílies acollidores i les escoles.
Amb la voluntat de millora de les condicions d’estada dels Auxiliars, aquesta assignació (que no ha de ser entesa com un sou), enguany serà de 200 euros mensuals.
Aquest increment de 50 euros s’ha repartit incrementant la quota de les escoles en 25 euros mensuals i assumint l’organització els altres 25 euros. La quota del PAC queda, doncs, en 475 euros mensuals d’octubre a juny.
Ja teniu a la vostra disposició els fulls de sol·licitud d’Auxiliars de Conversa per al curs 2013-2014. Per sol·licitar un Auxiliar, heu de fer arribar el full emplenat, signat i segellat amb el segell de l’escola a pac@escolacristiana.org o per fax al 93 342 65 46.
Si teniu cap pregunta o consulta, no dubteu a contactar-nos a pac@escolacristiana.org o al 93 302 70 13.
By júlia verdaguer, on abril 12th, 2013% Col·legi Mare Janer is a school located in Santa Coloma, Andorra. It is their first year in the PAC, and Sam, their conversation assistant, is the first PAC in the Principality. We thank Sam and his tutor Esther for sharing their experience and these great photos!
I am currently working in the principality of Andorra, the first Conversation Assistant to do so with CAPS. Adapting to such an unusual environment, with Andorra being its own minute country, has been a mixture of peaks and troughs. The mountains and its lack of a cosmopolitan attitude can be overbearing. However one factor of the experience that has been a constant peak is the school, the students, its staff and of course the families. Collectively they have made my time here a pleasure, with their support and enthusiasm in all that I do.
I teach both Primary and Secondary levels, with the ages ranging from 7-16. I enjoy aspects of both levels, but the diligence and enthusiasm of the children is perhaps the most humbling. I try to expose the kids to as much material as possible be it English Youth Culture, Music, Literature, T.V or Film. I am currently organising an ´America Workshop´ for the Secondary students. An auxiliary from the Fulbright Program will hopefully present a day of lessons around the United States. This will show to the students the acute differences between the English spoken in the U.K and the English spoken in the U.S.
Having worked as a College Lecturer I was at least familiar already with the classroom environment. However, education is very different culturally here from what I am used to back home in the U.K. I find that students are not encouraged enough to actively engage in language lessons. So I try to incorporate as much role play, performance and practical speaking exercises in my lesson plans as possible. I feel that enticing students out of their comfort zones helps them with confidence, a very important trait needed when learning a second language. I feel that since October the student’s attitude towards English has radically changed and that hopefully this will continue after I leave.
By júlia verdaguer, on març 19th, 2013% It is their first year in the Programa Auxiliars de Conversa, but in Col·legi Santa Anna they sure know how to make the most of this program! Their conversation assistant, Sean, takes small groups of Primary and ESO students to help them improve their English and encourage them to speak. Here are his thoughts on the Program: thanks for writing, Sean!
Since my first day at Santa Anna, I have had an amazing time with both the students and the teachers in and outside of my classes. I have no doubt that this will continue until the end of the course in June, because everyone is so easy to get along with and most of the students are lots of fun to work with. My lessons consist of taking small groups of students out of classes from both primaria and ESO and improving their spoken English level, through exam practices, role plays and themed conversations, alongside other fun activities. I was so surprised by the level of English in the school, it is significantly better than I had originally presumed. I found that no matter what the student’s level of oral English, they will always try and have a conversation with me or ask questions, it is incredible to see such a large interest in a language.
Working with a small group of students
As well as taking the students for oral practice in my lessons, I have also been included in other activities. These include the school play, where I played a grandfather who tells the story of ‘Els Pastorets’, a traditional Catalan Christmas story, and most recently, playing the bass with some students in a music group for Peace Day (El Dia de Paz) and Open Doors Day (Puertas Abiertas). Being included in these events with the students has let me get to know the students better and helped to create a strong bond between us, which in turn encouraged them to participate more in class.
Sean took part in ‘Els Pastorets’!
I strongly recommend for any CAPS, new or current, to include themselves with as many activities with the students as possible as it is a very enjoyable and entertaining experience!
Sean played the bass with a group of students for Peace Day
While I will be staying in Catalunya I will be staying with a total of 3 families. The families I have already lived with have already been extremely welcoming and have treated me like another child in their home, and most weekends have been filled with enjoyable activities. Such activities include visiting Barcelona or going climbing in the mountains, and if we haven’t got any plans for the weekend I am never bored because the families always try and include me in their plans, or I go out and visit my friends I made from the CAPS program, who live in the same city as me. There’s never a dull moment in Catalunya!
In conclusion, if you haven’t applied for this course already, then you should straight away because it is an incredible experience and one not to be missed!
By júlia verdaguer, on març 11th, 2013% Escola Anna Mogas has joined the PAC this year. Their Conversation Assitant, Amber, works with groups of students from P4 to 4th of ESO and is working hard to help everyone improve their English! Here are her thoughts about the whole experience
Hi! I’m Amber and I am a conversational assistant at Anna Mogas school in Granollers, Spain. I have always had questions in my head about being a teacher. Usually they were negative thoughts- ‘Can I really do this?’, ‘What if I fail?’, but from the very moment that I arrived at Anna Mogas school, all these thoughts disappeared. The school is a beautiful private building owned by nuns and from the outside is a scenic view. Only from the aspect of the school you get a good feeling. I was and still am overcome by how welcoming and helpful the teachers at Anna Mogas have been. Everyone was enthusiastic about having an English speaker and it didn’t matter if they couldn’t speak the language very well, they always tried to communicate. Being in the staff room is always a fun moment, as when you open the door you are welcomed with laughter and the lovely smell of coffee.
I teach students from ages of four years up to sixteen. It is an understatement to say that I am in love with all of them. In Eso I take around eight students to an empty classroom and practice speaking activities with them. Usually, the lesson is around thirty minutes or more for each group as I found that they benefit more with longer time with me than if I did ten minutes for each group. I get them to sit around in a circle and we discuss modern topics or practice answers and asking questions with games that I invent. I rarely use internet resources, as I find it works best when I use my own imagination and of course now that I am familiar with the students I know what kinds of activities work and don’t work with the age groups. I usually think about what I loved to do in school and try and incorporate this in my lessons, to make it as enjoyable as possible. Every lesson is an enjoyable one, because I never leave the class without laughing. The students respect me and they are able to understand that I am a teacher and they have to follow rules but I am also a confident and they can share and express things with me that maybe they can’t with the other teachers. Being young is also an advantage, as I understand them and often they are interested in asking questions about me and asking for advice which is a pleasure. The conversation is always flowing, as I try to prepare lessons which will engage them and make them want to speak as much English as possible. They are spontaneous and I find myself always thinking about how I can improve the lessons with them. I have seen a great deal of improvement with Eso and look forward to watching them grow and progress for the following months to come.
Primary level differs slightly from Eso, as the subject topics aren’t so varied but nonetheless there is always a lot to talk about! With primary I tend to take around eight people every twenty minutes and depending on the day we either practice speaking and an exercise from the book that the teacher is following to combine efforts or I invent a topic. This is usually done more often with the older levels of primary 5 and 6, where we practice with vocabulary games, asking and answering questions about each other. With primary you get back in heaps what you give. They are always ready to learn and always with a smile. I have great communication with the teachers of the students and everyday discuss how the lessons went and which students are improving. I know that I can ask for help whenever I need it. They confide in me and allow me to be free with the students.
P4 and p5 were my biggest worry before I arrived to the school because I wasn’t sure how much they would understand with me. However, I now know that small children, whatever language they speak, need to think that they are playing rather than learning. I take groups of eight to a lovely big sports gym with a overhead projector to practice speaking and vocabulary with videos, songs, games and movement activities like Simon says. They love to move around and it’s surprising to see how much they pick up with songs and repetition games. They are lovely bunch, always ready with a big hug for me every day to give me energy!
To summarize, I am having a great experience at Anna Mogas and feel myself growing as a teacher. I am constantly thinking about new lessons, adapting activities and worrying about them as individuals, as I have become very much attached to everyone. I realise that this is because I am passionate about what I am doing and want to be the best for them and myself.
By júlia verdaguer, on març 8th, 2013% Escola Vedruna Tona has been in the PAC for three years. They have shared with us their thoughts on the program, both from the tutor’s and the Conversation Assistant’s perspective. Thank you, Míriam and Sofia!
This school year, it was Sofia’s turn to come and help us with the oral part of the classes. As an English teacher in the school I had myself the chance to have her in my house for almost three months. It was a good experience for all the family. What I would like to stand out, though, is the effort I think they all have to do to adapt themselves to the cultural differences. It’s not only getting used to different habits in the street, but also learning and responding to a school very much different from the ones they might know, and different family systems every three months. Not an easy thing I guess. I do want to thank you all, and specially Sofia, for this effort, for your job among us.” (Míriam Duran)
I’m Sofia and I am the conversation assistant at Escola Verdruna Tona,a small town in the heart of Catalunya.
I work with both Primary and ESO students, so my days are always varied and interesting! The kids were a bit shy speaking to me at first, but they soon got used to me and now they really seem to enjoy speaking English!! Sometimes I will take groups outside to do grammar or conversation activities, and other times I am with the whole class, explaining things about life in the United Kingdom. I also help out with I.T lessons, as they are taught in English at this school. This is fun, as the kids don’t realise they are working and therefore are always happy to be there! I also get to join the children on some school trips: I have been to the theatre, a roman museum and Barcelona so far! The whole school and teaching staff are very friendly and I really enjoy working with everyone here.
During my first three months I lived with a teacher’s family. They were lovely and really made me feel at home, for example I would go to the grandparents’ house for Sunday lunch, or play football with the children. Their flat was in Vic, a city close to Tona. This was useful as I was able to meet the other Conversation Assistant there and got to know other people- we are now really good friends and spend most our weekends exploring Barcelona or the restaurants in Vic. I have since moved to Tona itself, which is a lot quieter. Sadly, the buses don’t run very often, so I only see my friends at the weekend, but I am keeping myself busy with Pilates and Catalan classes.
Overall, I’ve really enjoyed the scheme, as I have met a lot of lovely people and have learned so much from this experience. Before I came, I had no knowledge of Catalunya, now I can say that I have truly experienced life in Catalunya.
By júlia verdaguer, on febrer 25th, 2013% Elisabeth comes from the UK and is spending this year as a Conversation Assistant in La Salle Figueres. This is how she feels about it:
Being a part of CAPS is a challenging but rewarding course. I came to Catalonia not knowing any Spanish or Catalan, but with the support of the school and my wonderful host families, I did not feel alone. Learning about a new culture and a new language has been fascinating and working with the children always makes each day different and interesting. I love it here. At first I thought not being in Barcelona would be a negative thing but I think it has worked out for the better. I’ve met more local people and been given a unique experience and insight into the Catalan culture. Although this is not always an easy programme, I would thoroughly recommend it because it’s a worthwhile and enjoyable experience.
By júlia verdaguer, on febrer 19th, 2013% Dominique is a Conversation Assistant in La Salle Sant Celoni. It is the school’s second year in the program and everyone seems to be enjoying the experience. Teachers and students are happy to be able to share lessons with Dominique, said her tutor Sandra. Thank you for writing 🙂
My experience so far
My name is Dominique I am twenty-three years old and from a town called Bournemouth, Dorset in the south of England. I am currently working as a conversation assistant at La Salle in Sant Celoni, Barcelona. This is a lovely little town about 1 hour outside of Barcelona. My experience so far has been a positive one; the teachers at the school have been very welcoming and helpful and I have had a great opportunity already to improve my experience working with children and helping to teach English. I work directly with seven of the teachers assisting them with the lessons and teaching children of a variety of ages from 1st of Primary (6 years old) until 4th of Secondary (16 year olds). Working with such a wide variety of ages and abilities is a challenge but a great experience for me. Each term I am staying with a different teacher from the school and their families. Which has giving me the chance to practice speaking Spanish outside of the school and meet new people so I am slowly improving my Spanish which is fantastic.
By júlia verdaguer, on gener 31st, 2013% We have received a new submission from Adam, the conversation assistant at Sagrada Família school in Lleida, and his tutor Ana. Thank you guys!
Ana has also created a booklet with 25 activities that they do with the help of the Conversation Assistant in the ESO and Batxillerat classes, which will be avaliable here very soon!
After finishing University I decided that I wanted to travel and teach English; participating in CAPS has given me the opportunity to do both whilst obtaining some essential skills for the future. Not only has CAPs provided me with the first step towards achieving my career goals but it has also really helped me grow as an individual. Each day presents you with a new and interesting challenge; making the whole experience such a stimulating and rewarding process.
Adam and some of his ESO students
I came to Catalonia without any knowledge of the culture, lifestyle or the language! But with an open-mind, a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, I adapted to life here very quickly. I also have to thank the Catalan family that I have been living with for that as they could not have made me feel more at home here. This is a truly unforgettable experience with memories that I will treasure for the rest of my life.
Adam McDanielson
By júlia verdaguer, on gener 2nd, 2013% We hope you have had a merry Christmas and a good start of 2013!
The first submission after the holidays has arrived, and it comes from Escola Pia in Moià. It’s their second year in the Conversation Assistants Program, and this year they are hosting Hannah, from the UK.
Thanks for writing and sending so many photos!
My name is Hannah and I have been working in Escola Pia Moià for the last three months. At the school I work with children between the ages of 2 and 11. With the youngest children I assist Isabel with the lessons and read stories.
In the primary school I also help with the lessons and then take out small groups of children for speaking activities.
Overall I love the school and feel honoured to work here as should anyone else in my postition
By júlia verdaguer, on octubre 3rd, 2012% Ahir dilluns, 1 d’octubre de 2012, i després de passar el cap de setmana amb les seves noves famílies acollidores, gairebé 150 auxiliars de conversa van començar la seva tasca a 120 escoles de tot Catalunya i, per primera vegada, a una escola d’Andorra!
Els Auxiliars de Conversa, però, van arribar a Catalunya el divendres 28 de setembre. Ja des de primera hora l’equip del Programa Auxiliars de Conversa -de la Fundació Escola Cristiana de Catalunya i de Home to Home- era a l’aeroport per rebre els nois i noies que van anar arribant durant tot el dia.
A les 8 del matí ja havien arribat els primers auxiliars, amb vols des del Canadà, Estats Units i Singapur!
Aquest any, al programa hi participen nois i noies del Regne Unit, Irlanda, els Estats Units, Canadà i Nova Zelanda!
Els Auxiliars de Conversa van anar arribant durant tot el dia
Els 150 auxiliars van passar la nit a la Residència Salesiana Martí Codolar i l’endemà al matí, després d’esmorzar, van assistir a tres xerrades de formació.
Els auxiliars preparats per al matí de formació
La primera xerrada va ser a càrrec de Juanjo Fernández, que els va parlar del sistema educatiu català, els tipus d’escoles que hi ha a Catalunya, de la Fundació Escola Cristiana i del Projecte Escola Multilingüe, del qual els Auxiliars de Conversa són part important.
Juanjo Fernández
Després, Sonia Jalle, professora i Cap del Dept. Multilingüe de l’escola Jesús Maria Sant Andreu, va parlar als auxiliars de com ser els millors hostes per a les seves famílies acollidores i els va donar alguns consells pràctics per a aquests nou mesos que passaran a Catalunya.
Sonia Jalle parla sobre les famílies acollidores
Finalment, Carme Santiago, professora de l’escola Padre Damián Sagrados Corazones, els va parlar de com ser els millors auxiliars de conversa a les escoles.
Carme Santiago parla sobre la tasca dels Auxiliars a les escoles
Els auxiliars de conversa estaven visiblement nerviosos i il·lusionats per fer una molt bona tasca a les escoles on s’estaran els propers 9 mesos.
A cadascun dels auxiliars se’ls va lliurar un kit de benvinguda amb documentació legal, informació turística, els materials del curs a distància de llengua castellana que seguiran aquests mesos i uns magnífics diccionaris de castellà-anglès per gentilesa de Cambridge University Press i Oxford University Press, que contribueixen així a l’adaptació i formació dels Auxiliars de Conversa.
Kit de benvinguda per als auxiliars de conversa.
Finalment, i aquest any sota una pluja de tardor, van anar arribant les famílies acollidores a buscar els Auxiliars de Conversa i emportar-se’ls a les seves noves cases, on s’hi estaran fins a final del curs 2012-2013.
Tot plegat, doncs, va concloure molt satisfactòriament, gràcies a la tasca conjunta de Home to Home i Fundació Escola Cristiana de Catalunya, que tornen a tirar endavant aquesta iniciativa pionera a tot l’Estat, i que segueix el seu procés de consolidació i creixement, esperant poder arribar a aconseguir que els 250.000 alumnes de les escoles cristianes puguin viure i conviure l’anglès a les escoles.
Moltes gràcies a Oxford University Press i Cambridge University Press per la seva col·laboració!
El Progama Auxiliars de Conversa és una iniciativa de: